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The end of the myth about the untouchability of the planetary minority

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, October 06

Contemporary world events have clearly demonstrated that the Western planetary minority must not only understand that the multipolar world order is a reality that will have to be accepted in any case, but also that the myth surrounding this minority being unpunishable and largely “untouchable” is definitely a thing of the past.

Current processes in various parts of the world are a significant signal to the entire bloc of the planetary minority about the need to answer for its crimes. The fear, which was long popularised by Western and affiliated propaganda, is over. This is the reality with which regimes nostalgic for the unipolar era will have to deal. Ultimately, nobody forced Westerners and other supporters of the Western diktat over humankind to refuse to recognise the contemporary era of international affairs. At some point, one must answer for one’s actions.
Today, supporters of the multipolar world are in a position of strength like never before

Fear has changed sides

The events in Africa, Latin America, but also in the Middle East, have definitely confirmed that there will be absolutely no return to the past. Today, supporters of the multipolar world are in a position of strength like never before, although much remains to be done so as to further reinforce the contemporary multipolar world order. Moreover, the recent retaliatory strikes carried out by Iran on the territory controlled by the Israeli regime have also confirmed this reality.

On the one hand, these Iranian retaliatory strikes for all of Israel’s recent crimes – in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and even Iran – were quite humanistic since there was clearly no objective in hitting the civilian population, instead targeting enemy military targets, and this time they proved to be extremely effective within the framework of their strategic message. A message both for the Israeli regime and for its main ally, the Washington regime. Firstly, the fact that Iran has high-quality strike weapons, and, secondly, that the well-advertised Israeli anti-missile defence system, are nothing more than a fiction created by Israeli and Western propaganda.

In this conflict – and beyond the existing alliances between the forces involved – it is important to remember that Iran and its regional allies in the Axis of Resistance are supporters of the multipolar world order. The Islamic Republic is a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), BRICS and maintains highly strategic relations with Russia and China. As for the Israeli regime, in addition to being Washington’s main ally not only in the troubled Middle East region, but more generally de-facto on a global scale, and even in many ways as a priority in US domestic policy, it is also a radical representative of those nostalgic for the unipolar era.

This is why the fear felt in the streets of Israel in the context of the effective, but nevertheless humane-towards-civilians Iranian strike, is entirely consistent with what the inhabitants of the little Western world would feel if their elites continue on the path of maximum escalation.

A lesson for Western regimes

At a time when the tiny NATO-Western world continues to hear the calls of some sick representatives of the establishment, including regarding the need to strike deeply into our country with Western weapons, these people must remember that fear and panic in the near future could become commonplace in the main cities of the Western planetary minority – without even necessarily resorting to nuclear deterrence. It is possible to imagine panic in the big cities of the EU or USA in the event of a massive retaliatory strike with hypersonic weapons or drones against military and/or political targets of the enemy.

So, if the regimes of the United States, Europe or even Israel or Australia were until recently confident about their impunity and untouchability, then today it is high time to understand that the global majority does not recognise their myth of supposed exclusivity. Moreover, in the face of the arrogance, hypocrisy and highly criminal character of the planetary minority representatives, today more than ever the supporters of the multipolar world have every reason to remind the planetary minority that it must learn to know its place.

Yes, there will be a new dividing line. Between Russia and the little Western world, and on an even more global scale between the contemporary multipolar world and the planetary minority that still lives with the mentality of colonialists and slavers. In this regard, it is, in principle, possible to coexist relatively. After all, if the pseudo-flourishing garden is in fact bedridden and ill, it is not up to us to cure it. Let them take care of their rotting space themselves in one way or another. However, if the Western planetary minority nevertheless opts for maximum escalation in the hope of trying to regain its domination over the planet through total chaos, the consequences will be disastrous, first and foremost for this minority – that is precisely why they are a minority.


Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, entrepreneur, political commentator, expert on African and Middle Eastern issues, exclusively for the internet journal “New Eastern Outlook

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