George Soros is a very successful man, at least where money and power are concerned. The reach of the hedge fund legend through his Open Society Foundations leverages governments and ideas across the breadth of 40 nations now. Here is a look at how Soros’ “New World Lebensraum Idealism” is reshaping reality in the Republic of Georgia.
In my last report on Soros’ machinations on behalf of the greater elite cabal, I focused on Latvia, and on how Soros’ Open Society Foundations has permeated (infected) society there at nearly all levels. The fact is, wherever there is conflict and chaos Soros various “agents” can be found. Wherever there is an intense necessity for geo-political leveraging, Soros’ Open Society Foundations, along with many other think tanks and NGOs, they first prop up and fund, and then influence and manipulate the public. In Georgia, as in Latvia, the effort to bring Soros’ brand of democracy to Georgians reaches the level of being diabolical. What Soros’ people accomplish is essentially a deep brainwashing, a dynamic conversion of key individuals, using the same strategies that make hedge funds profitable. In short, Open Society Foundations “invests” money and other resources, in order to achieve a desired gain. This gain is often seen in mid to short term revenues, but it is also visible in broad strokes, where NATO, CIA, US State Department and White House interests coincide.
Through a system of grants, Open Society Foundations essentially buys an initial allegiance to Soros’ brand of democratic ideal. The most recent innovations in this field of manipulation comes in the form of a funding and support announcement form Open Society Georgia. A new call for “think tanks” to take part in something called the “Think Tank Young Professional Development Program for MA and PhD Graduates”, is but one of many advertisements for Soros advocates. Make no mistake, this most recent call is one of the most bold initiatives Soros and the NWO have undertaken. To quote from the call itself:
“The Think Tank Young Processional Development Program intends to attract recent graduates of MA and PhD programs in the social sciences and humanities to selected think tanks in the new EU member states, the Western Balkans, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, giving them an opportunity to gain first-hand policy research and advocacy experience at a renowned think tank in the region.”
It’s a recruitment advertisement to form new battalions of centurions for policymaking. As was the case in Latvia, Open Society Foundations disseminates the ideals, strategies and initiatives of new societies via investments at every level. The strategy is brilliant, if simple. Soros invests a few millions, other NGOs, governments, and corporations join in, and the end product (return) is a nation of Soros-citizens ready to be served some democracy. This grant (PDF), like most others, pays academics to study the “agenda” – and I the end “profess” the “findings” to policymakers and the public, not to mention future students. The aforementioned think tank grant (now completed) had at its core an paradoxical mission to place bright people in certain think thanks for the purposes of studying something called “state capture” – a form of corruption western media ascribes only to Eastern European nations.
This grant in particular, gives Soros and his constituency immense influence in the mid-term across the nations the grant covers. Without getting into micro or macro-economics and banking, Open Society Foundations is funding an intra-national IMF, World Bank, and EU policy influencing mechanism. With this, Soros’ cabal can essentially forge the economic policies of Georgia and other former Soviet republics. That is information fit for a deeper analysis on a broad scale, but let’s focus on Georgia for the moment. Soros’ Open Society Foundations’ role (PDF) in the Rose Revolution, are well known. One initiative, supporting the emergence of station Rustavi-2 was fundamental to the coercion that supported protesters. With Soros and other NGO support, along with US governmental assistance, three key players in the Georgia turbulence were enabled to play crucial roles in making the Rose Revolution possible: the youth movement Kmara; the opposition parties, especially Mikheil Saakashvili’s National Movement; and TV station Rustavi-2, each played a distinctive role in making the Rose Revolution successful and nonviolent. This is incontrovertible. Back before all journalism in America and the UK were sold out, many authors mimicked Mark MacKinnon’s, “Georgia Revolt Carried Mark of Soros,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), November 26, 2003. Jeffrey Silverman, Veteran’s Today’s Georgia Bureau Chief, who once worked for Eurasianet, a media outlet, wonders what motivates Soros.
“Yes, he funds student exchanges and various NGOs but to have covered salaries of Georgian governmental employees in the post so-called Rose Revolution is beyond providing a helping hand to a fledgling democracy but amounts to meddling in the internal affairs of an independent country.”
In conclusion, Soros’ Open Society Foundations operates like any Soros fund. Target, invest, and gather more investors, the control until the project matures. It is pure genius, purely diabolical, and wholly effective as we see across Eastern Europe. Quoting another study, “Georgia’s Rose Revolution: From Regime Weakness to Regime Collapse”, which assesses foreign intervention in the Georgia upheaval:
“The U.S. Agency for International Development budgeted more democracy-related assistance to Georgia in 2002 and 2003 than to any post-Soviet state except the considerably more populous Russia and Ukraine. This assistance included funding for voter list reform, PVT training and implementation, the cultivation of local election monitoring NGOs, and civil society advocacy training. Together with the nongovernmental Soros Foundation funding for NGOs, study trips, and training, U.S. aid is commonly cited as a factor increasing pressure on the government to hold a democratic election, while increasing the likelihood of voter participation and post-electoral detection of fraud.”
Open Society Foundations, CIA front organization USAID, the Eurasia Foundation (grant makers for the world elites), and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany’s biggest and oldest such NGO) all funded and/or provided impetus for the former Soviet Republic of Georgia to institute regime change. As we all know now, Georgia was the “success” that helped usher in Ukraine’s upheaval. As we see today, these organizations maintain and expand their choke hold on policy in Georgia. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Georgia contingent even has its own Facebook, a social media presence which broadcasts FES entrenchment inside the Georgia political ecosystem Soros and the NWO created. Study their “shares” and you find media influenced by; Open Society Foundations, the German Marshall Fund, the National Endowment for Democracy, the British Embassy there, and many, many more.
So Soros, along with a cadre of elitist think tanks and foundations like the aforementioned FES, they exercise massive sway in every European nation, and across every landscape of the social spectrum. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – Division of Economic and Social Policy is one arm worried Europeans can focus on where so-called “weaponizing refugees” is concerned. Neither Soros, nor the people behind FES deny their part in policy making. I quote from a recent study:
“The Division of Economic and Social Policy, at the interface of scholarship, politics, practice and the public, combines analysis and discussion to provide answers to current and fundamental questions of economic and social policy. We provide economic and social policy analyses and develop concepts that we impart in dialogues that we organise between academia, politics, practitioners and the public.”
At the end of my research I am sure I will find a generation of European policy makers who have been “groomed” to fit the roles some elite cartel has set in motion. In the book, “Angela Merkel: A Chancellorship Forged in Crisia”, Alan Crawford, Tony Czuczka lay out Europe’s most influential leadership from the emergence of a “political novice” named Angela Merkel during the years before German unification. Names like; Nicolas Sarkozy, George W. Bush, Roman Prodi, and Tony Blair as part of this generation (club) of policy makers echo a systemic plan, more than they do political celebrity. The ties of all these organizations lead from Tbilisi, to Kiev, and even as far abroad as Damascus. I leave the reader with George Soros’ wish for the people of Georgia and the Caucasus, straight from the grants page of the Open Society Foundations’ project:
“The Open Society Foundations award grants, scholarships, and fellowships throughout the year to organizations and individuals who share Open Society values. We look for grantees who have a vision and whose efforts will lead to lasting social change. “
Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.