Recent allegations Russia’s athletes are somehow more doped up than their western counterparts are the latest political slings aimed at a people sick to death of the endless lies. The UK’s Athletics Chairman, Ed Warner called for Russia to be banned from international competition and worse just recently, based on hearsay and conjecture mostly. It seems these days, all that’s necessary to crucify Russia in the press is someone with an idea, and a microphone or a computer keyboard. Worse still, the business addicts in Britain accusing Russian athletes these days, need to pass their own piss tests.
Before the Sochi Olympics in 2014, every dirty trick in the corporate politician’s playbook was pulled to try and ruin Russia’s Olympics. From LGBT uprisings to Washington’s humane society worries about stray dogs, it was a circus of anti-Russian insanity. Not only where the toilets of Sochi plungered by western media to find the stink, so was every Russian athlete who took to the ice or the slopes. If ever there were a prime opportunity to bust doped up Russian athletes, that would have been the prime opportunity. Ironically, Sochi did represent a banner year for doping losers from other countries.
In 2014 a record number of athletes were caught and banned from competition or winning medals at Sochi. There was Austrian cross-country skier Johannes Duerr, Latvian hockey players Vitalijs Pavlovs and Ralfs Freibergs, Ukrainian cross-country skier Marina Lisogor, German biathlete Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle, Swedish hockey start Nicklas Backstrom , Polish bobsledder Daniel Zalewski, and Italian bobsledder William Frullani. It is ironic that the IOC could not uncover this massive Russsian athletic doping cabal Mr. Warner speaks of? One Russian athlete, biathlete Irina Starykh did withdraw a week before the games after testing positive.
In Sochi the IOC carried out a record 2,812 tests, including pre-competition and out-of-competition blood and urine controls AND those samples are stored to allow for future testing once better means and methods become available. Perhaps Ed Warner’s latest method can be applied to all those samples? Maybe a wave of his mighty sports toughened hand will serve to find Russians guilty there too? Excuse my facetious tone, but these people make me physically ill. If Mr. Warner’s motivations were any more transparent, he’d be the invisible British man.
Now on to Britain and the Games of London 2012. Even before London 2012 started, some 107 athletes had already tested positive for banned substances. It should also be noted here that British sprinter Dwain Chambers, cyclist David Millar and shot putter Carl Myerscoug had all been guilty of past doping offences, but competed in London anyway under a new ruling. There were also “busted” athletes who were allowed to compete, and who took home the gold medal from London. Those included; Road racing gold medalist form Kazakhstan Alexander Vinokourov, Russia’s female hammer thrower Tatyana Viktorovna Lysenko, Women’s 1500 meter champion from Turkey Aslı Çakır Alptekin, and World and Olympic Champion in the women’s discuss Sandra Perković from Croatia, Justin Gatlin and LaShawn Merritt from the US, and Jamaican sprinter Yohan Blake. The list of athletes ruled out of even competing in London is extensive, but included American sprinter Debbie Dunn, Greece’s Dimítrios Chondrokoúkis, and Spanish steeplechaser Ángel Mullera.
While there more Russian athletes penalized at London than any other nation (7), the United States’ entire 4 x 100m relay team was eliminated because of Tyson Gay. And if we go back as far as Salt Lake City and Turin in Winter competition, it looks like the entire nation of Austria is on some kind of hormone. Overall, since any form of testing was instituted, the cheating by enhancements from substances issue is a mixed bag with the United States and Russia running neck and neck with infractions. As for Britain, while those isles have their infractions, it appears not even steroids can help the UK win more than a gold here or there. (Sorry)
In another case of “Putin’s Missile” or Chicken Little screaming “Russian Invasion from pursed beak, the western banking monopolies have also cornered the market on whiney wannabe athletes involved up to their necks in business. Sorry Mr. Warner, but you asked for it. Ed Warner (now get this) is a bean counter and former owner of IFX Group plc, a financial spread betting firm. Warner is also the non-executive chairman of Blackrock Commodities Income Investment Trust PLC, a firm notorious for milking energy investments for all they are worth. Warner should recues himself from making any statements at all concerning “dope” until the firm he represents divests itself of (Fund PFF) Exxon Mobil, Rio Tinto, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, BP, Conoco Phillips, and Statoil and especially BHP Billiton shares. With upwards of 50% of the trust’s assets in direct competition with Russian energy and minerals companies, it’s a wonder Vladimir Putin has not called for banning Britain from doing banking on the basis of UK athletics bean counting drugging.
I guess I’ve made my point well enough, without delving into exactly how stock markets are leveraged by owned and influenced media, or by associating other members of Britain’s elitist athleticism clubs to the organized nature of sports today. I just want to say that Britain accusing anybody of anything in the current policy atmosphere, it’s ludicrous my friends. The Queen Mother has already called Lord Rothschild’s crew down for mucking up her Islands’ chances of survival in the long term. Deals with Kazakhstan and Moscow are in the wind now, more on that later. I just wanted all the principles involved to know, we’re out here ready to report on your eligibility to compete, with one false move to further “enhance” your fund performances at the expense of innocent human beings in Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, or even Sydney. Banned from competition? Indeed. No nation passes the piss test these days.
Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.