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Western Way of War in Never Ending War—OR: “The Failure of the Western Way of Helping!”
The first thing to keep in mind when watching the news, or trying to keep up with the corporate media weekly brainwashing agenda, is “Western weapons are not designed to be effective, they are designed to be expensive,” and once you make this paradigm shift, it all starts making perfect sense. It seems like it takes a lifetime to learn by one’s mistakes, at least I hope so for Henry Kissinger, and for lost souls to make better decisions as our time is limited. Often I think of the fictional “Wizard Merlin” who is the sorcerer that lived his life from the future to the past…
Where did Hamas Get all its Weapons: Arms-trafficking and “Not So Friendly Skies” – BUT is ANYBODY Listening?
One of the ways to know what is going on and about ready to go down in the way of conflicts around the world, is to keep your eyes to the sky and observe what is moving to and from various places. Why are so few looking at from where and how Hamas got supplied with lots of weapons and some cutting-edge technology? One event that few took notice of was recently sponsored by the United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce in Baku. In this and other regions of the world, “Charting a Sustainable Future of Air Cargo…
On Kim Jong-un’s Visit to Russia, Part Five: Reactions
Following Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia, perhaps hundreds of articles have been written in the Western and South Korean press, and dozens of experts have given their opinions. In this author’s view, the reactions have been quite revealing, and they can be categorized in several ways. The first category largely corresponds to the official reaction of the West and the ROK. Despite the fact that there is still no sign of manifestation of the arms deal reached between North Korea and Russia, Washington and Seoul issued a series of condemnatory statements and began discussing what measures should be taken on this matter. Let’s start with reactions…