Archives USA - Page 64 of 69 - New Eastern Outlook
22.02.2023 Phil Butler

In every mainstream media outlet from Berlin to Los Angeles, Vladimir Putin and Russia are losing in the conflict with Ukraine. The NATO proxy warriors and western think tank experts are endlessly reassuring citizens of the U.S. and other allied countries that Russia is on the ropes and ready for the knockout punch...

22.02.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Following the collapse of the USSR, the United States is considering its role in the status of a global world leader. In relations with its NATO allies, Washington, moreover, continues the previous course of the flagship, which does not tolerate any deviations of its satellites from the strategy of the White House. And during the Cold War, the United States ruled out...

21.02.2023 Petr Konovalov

China, which continues to step up its military and economic power year after year, is becoming increasingly concerning and alarming for the United States and its allies, who are aware that Beijing may soon surpass Washington in terms of the volume of its geopolitical influence. Western leaders are taking a variety of steps to limit China's sphere...

21.02.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Unfortunately, the death toll from the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Turkey and northwest Syria continues to rise. According to the latest figures, the number of those killed in both regions has reached a staggering 36,000, more than 100,000 inhabitants were injured. An unknown number of victims are still under the rubble. The evacuation will take...

20.02.2023 Vladimir Platov

In the rapidly changing situation around Russia’s successful special operation to denazify the criminal Ukrainian regime, the Biden administration decided to urgently replace its “overseer” in Ukraine - Ambassador Kelly Degnan. After all, against the background of the outright failure of the Russophobic adventure...

19.02.2023 Vladimir Terehov

In the period from February 8 to 12 this year, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the son of one of the country’s most prominent politicians of the second half of the last century (and also President) Ferdinand Marcos Sr., was on an official visit to Japan. What was the third event of regional significance in just one month to focus on the Philippines...

17.02.2023 Petr Konovalov

Following the launch of Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, India’s senior authorities did not openly denounce Moscow and adopted a more measured approach to the situation. The neutrality of New Delhi is primarily attributable to the fact that Russian-Indian ties have long been cordial. Russia and India are BRICS...

17.02.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

There is hardly any doubt that the African continent holds immense political and economic significance for the people of the continent and for extra-regional states. It is rich in natural resources and will have one quarter of the world’s population by 2050. But within a global context marked by extremely heightened tensions, including threats of major military conflicts...

16.02.2023 Vladimir Terehov

The ten-day visit to China by a delegation of the Kuomintang, Taiwan's main opposition party, which has been in power more than once, began on February 8 and it is the most remarkable event since the NEO last reviewed the situation around what is perhaps the most dangerous problem of the “Global Great Game” current stage. The unusual length...

15.02.2023 Brian Berletic

The Solomon Islands, located east of Papua New Guinea and northeast of Australia, has become a battleground for Washington and its desire to maintain primacy over the Asia-Pacific region. Recent developments in Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, indicate that Washington’s influence faces serious challenges...

14.02.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

On February 4, a US fighter jet “safely” shot down a Chinese “surveillance balloon” off the coast of South Carolina. The balloon, according to US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, was being used by China for the purpose of spying on “strategic sites in the continental United States.” Lloyd also emphasised that the decision to shoot down the Chinese...

13.02.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

Given that the story about "arms supplies to Russia from the DPRK" has been gaining ground, the author has repeatedly stated that Seoul is the main target of this hysteria that serves as another justification for the ROK's increased involvement in the plans of the US and its allies against Russia's national interests. This strategy included two significant visits at the end of January 2023...