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Blinken Meets ASEAN: Turning Southeast Asia Against China

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s meeting with ASEAN in mid-July, focused on convincing the bloc to confront Beijing, follows a long-running US strategy to transform Southeast Asia into a united front against China. By doing so, nations in the region are encouraged or coerced to antagonize China, despite the growing superpower being their largest trade partner, investor, and source of tourism as well as their most important infrastructure and development partner. Reuters in its article preceding the meeting titled, “Blinken to press ASEAN to take…

Brian Berletic

Regarding the United States’ desire to start a campaign to undermine the BRICS NDB

In recent months, the USA has stepped up efforts to discredit the New Development Bank (NDB), which, in addition to the five BRICS countries, includes Egypt, Bangladesh, and the UAE, while about 20 other countries are candidates to join. The reason for this activity on the part of Washington is simple and clear. The Americans want to slow down the process of forming an alternative global financial infrastructure. China is working to shift its commerce away from the dollar and has absolutely no intention of stopping…

Anna Kudinova

Aleksandar Vučić was “offended” by Erdoğan?

Turkey before and during the time of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has tried to conduct active diplomacy in virtually all aspects of its geography, where the Balkans retain a high relevance. This direction of Turkish foreign policy is determined by several factors: geographical proximity; the history of Ottoman rule; the course of European integration; NATO membership; and the strategy of neo-Ottomanism and pan-Islamism. The current fourth generation of Anatolian Turks is the heir to the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed after World War I and at its peak governed practically all of Southeastern Europe (including the Balkan Peninsula), among other regions. Serbia, like other Balkan (South Slavic) countries and peoples, was occupied by the Ottomans…

Alexandr Svaranc