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Is a 1973 OPEC-styled Oil Embargo and Massive Sanctions over Gaza an OPTION for Bringing Lasting Peace?

It is a hard question to answer, and it is more than just conjecture, at least depending upon on how long the carnage and destruction continues before our very eyes. There is much too riding on it; a real power struggle between blocs is going on in the region. Who emerges victorious will redefine the world into new centers of control.  The World Order as we have come to know it is on the verge of collapse, and Israel may now…

Seth Ferris

Biden Wakes Up to Counter China in Latin America

With annual trade between China and Latin America reaching almost US$ 486 billion in 2022 – which is almost an eight percent increase from the previous year – Beijing has already become one of the top trading partners of this region. During the Belt and Road Initiative Forum held last month in China, 26 new agreements worth US$6.32 billion were signed. China, in short, has secured a deep footprint in the US backyard, turning the Monroe doctrine – which said that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americans would be considered…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Global South vs. the West

After launching a large onslaught on Israel on October 7, the Palestinian organization Hamas killed over 1,400 people, the majority of whom were civilians, and captured over 200 more. Since then, ground forces have moved into the enclave and Israel has attacked several areas of Gaza ruthlessly. To date, almost 10,000 people have died, the majority of them were women and children. Protests demanding a stop to hostilities and showing solidarity with the Palestinians erupted globally. The Saudi Arab News daily stated that “Western and Arab states have found themselves divided.”…

Veniamin Popov