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East India Campaign - Colonization of Hindustan 2.0

The United States behaves in Asia – on a foreign continent – as hosts, and not at all as guests, and is trying in every possible way to demonstrate this to all regional states, including those capable of laying claim to leadership there, such as China. In relation to India and Pakistan, Washington generally behaves like a colonialist. Pakistan is still outraged by the September visit of US Ambassador to the Islamic Republic Donald Bloom to Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), which the US side covered up as a study of the region’s resilience to climate change…

Bakhtiar Urusov

Chinese Foreign Minister visits USA

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid a visit to the United States from October 26 to October 28, 2023. His delegation had discussions with their American counterparts, led by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Additionally, President Biden and Wang Yi had a special guest meeting. This has grown to be an extremely significant occasion. Among other things, this indicates that the two superpowers intend to maintain bilateral channels of communication to express their respective opinions on issues pertaining to Beijing-Washington…

Vladimir Terehov

China and Russia Pursuing an Inclusive World Order

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States emerged as the sole hegemon of the world. This unipolar world order resulted in the supremacy and prosperity of the global north. On the other hand, the global south suffered extreme turmoil and chaos under the US-led world order. The United States had been responsible for almost 81 percent of the wars after World War 2. Furthermore, the United States has a history of betraying its allies after achieving its goals…

Abbas Hashemite