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West Admits Ukraine is Losing Proxy War

After nearly 2 years of portraying the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as unfolding in Kiev and the collective West’s favor, a sudden deluge of admissions have begun saturating Western headlines noting that Ukraine is not only losing, but that there is little or nothing its Western backers can do to change this fact. What had been a narrative of Ukraine’s steady gains and indomitable fighting spirit has now been replaced by the reality of Ukraine’s catastrophic losses (as well as net territorial losses) and a steady collapse of morale among troops…

Brian Berletic

Humanity Under Assault by the Elites - When Will We Have Had Enough?

For most people, it’s difficult to imagine much of what’s happening today. And this is why so many seem in the dark about what we should do to alleviate our problems. Looking at the situation in which a proxy is being waged on Russia from Ukraine, nothing seems to add up. The same is true for the genocide now going on in Gaza. And when we superimpose problems like curing cancer and other diseases, environmental problems, and failing economies, the only thing we can see is that our leaders have failed miserably at prioritising…

Phil Butler

Inequality: the gap between the West and the Global South is widening.

The war in Gaza has further deepened the gulf between Western states and the developing world. The thousands of civilian deaths caused by Israeli bombardment in the Palestinian enclave, exactly 20 years after the tens of thousands killed by the American invasion of Iraq, will long epitomise the hypocrisy and double standards of the West. The wealthy Western powers, accustomed to exploiting Asia, Africa and Latin America since colonial times, are trying their best to maintain their economic advantages and keep the States of the Global South under their control. Over the past 30 years…

Veniamin Popov