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How BRICS is Reinventing Itself Amidst Chaos

Israel’s war on Gaza has shaken global politics – not only because of its sheer brutality, but also because this war has reified geopolitical alignments further along the pro and anti-Israel – which also translates directly into pro or anti-US – standings. These geopolitical alignments have created a possibility of realignments, including reforming existing blocs. The extraordinary BRICS summit held in the 3rd week of November points to this possibility very clearly. At one level, the proceedings of the summit revealed the pro or anti-US/Israel positions – especially of India – within the bloc, and, at another level, the summit revealed…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Following the visit of the US Secretary of State to Seoul: a new round of anti-Russian pressure

On November 8, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Seoul after the G7 foreign ministers meeting in Tokyo. It was the first visit to Seoul by the US Secretary of State since the Yoon Suk-yeol government took office in May 2022. Blinken last visited Seoul in March 2021 to attend a summit of the two countries’ foreign and defense ministers, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s visit in 2023 came soon after, but we’ll discuss it and its outcome separately…

Konstantin Asmolov

Where did Hamas Get all its Weapons: Arms-trafficking and “Not So Friendly Skies” – BUT is ANYBODY Listening?

One of the ways to know what is going on and about ready to go down in the way of conflicts around the world, is to keep your eyes to the sky and observe what is moving to and from various places. Why are so few looking at from where and how Hamas got supplied with lots of weapons and some cutting-edge technology?  One event that few took notice of was recently sponsored by the United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce in Baku. In this and other regions of the world, “Charting a Sustainable Future of Air Cargo

Henry Kamens