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US president won't go to India's main holiday

In the sea of available information accompanying the process of breaking the world order of the “Post-Cold War Period”, an observer of the main vectors of its transformation, as it is called, only has time to somehow comprehend and comment on the most remarkable moments and events. For example, why another contact in the lines of communication between the main participants of this process took place and what results it ended up with. Here it is not up to the prevailing in the mentioned “sea” of different kinds of trifles. Such as the news about the murder…

Vladimir Terehov

Israel Executing ‘One-State’ Solution with US Help

The rampage that Israel has created in Gaza is not just a reaction against Hamas’ October 7 attacks that killed more than 1100 hundred Israelis. The callous destruction being inflicted upon the Gazans is not simply about eliminating Hamas, either. In fact, the ongoing Israeli military campaign – and the West’s support for it – is now aimed at a much bigger target: the total social and political annihilation of everything that stands for Palestine in that part of the world. The mission, in simple words, is to make Palestine, i.e., Gaza and the West Bank, simply unlivable for the people…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US Senate Approved a Staggering Defense Budget for 2024

Apart from spending enormous sums on the military and weapons for allies, the National Defense Authorization Act extends the surveillance authority that allows the FBI to spy on foreigners and U.S. citizens without a warrant. Before plunging into the intricacies of the US budget policy, I would like to recall the statement made by US President Joe Biden in the fall of 2021 at the UN General Assembly, when he tried to convince the world community that the US infatuation with war had ended. “Going forward, the United States will no longer treat military power as an answer…

Fernando Gaillardo