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Wang Yi's meeting with Jake Sullivan

On 26-27 January, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, and Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to the US President, met in the Thai capital Bangkok. This event should be considered an important stepping stone in the overall process of re-establishing lines of communication between the two leading world powers, which was launched during the summit of their leaders held in San Francisco last November. NEO more or less regularly comments on any noteworthy developments in this undoubtedly positive process…

Vladimir Terehov

Russia-ATR: Dividing Lines vs. ASEAN Security System. Part 2

In the previous article, you and I examined the relations between Russia and the ASEAN organisation – one of the fundamentally important “players” in the Asia-Pacific region. This is the largest and most successful association in Southeast Asia, which in geo-economic terms occupies one of the leading places in Asia and unites a region with a population of over 600 million people. Now I propose to talk about the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, a multilateral regional association with the participation of 21 economies, including Russia, which discusses…

Aleksei Bolshakov

A severe domestic political crisis in the US

This crisis is linked to the migration policy of the United States. Many migrants cross the border with Mexico. In November alone, there were about 250,000 attempts to cross the southern border. Most new arrivals will ask for asylum and be released into America, only to wait years (up to 5-6 years) for a decision on their claims. More than 3.1 million people have crossed the border since Biden became president. At least 1.7 million have arrived undetected or overstayed their visas. The state of Texas is particularly affected by the influx of illegal migrants. It occupies a special place in the USA…

Vladimir Mashin