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Turkish business against the US pressure

For more than two months since the beginning of 2024, the banking system and business in general in Turkey has been under unprecedented pressure from the United States in terms of secondary sanctions for the development of business relations with Russia in circumvention of Washington’s restrictive measures – embargo. Unfortunately, Turkish banks have started to refuse to accept financial payments from Russian companies and Turkish exporters to Russia…

Alexandr Svaranc

Africa Demands Reparations for Transatlantic Slavery and Colonization: It should also Reject Neo-Colonialism

African and Caribbean leaders are uniting to pursue reparations for horrendous atrocities perpetrated during transatlantic slavery and colonialism (here). On 30th January 2024, the Ghanaian Times published an article featuring the Guyanian president’s appeal to African leaders to expedite mechanisms for reparations for slavery and colonization (here). Similar calls were made by the Ghanaian president, Nana Akufu-Adoo (here) including earlier at the UN General Assembly…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Victoria Nuland Out: Now Meet the New BOSS, John Bass: Same as the Old – Or, From the Frying Pan, into the Fire?

One would think that the claimed retirement of Victoria Nuland, the so-called “beacon of democracy” would be a cause for relief and celebration. Unfortunately, her replacement does not give much hope for any change in the policy of the US.  Initially, there was much rejoicing when the news came in that arch neocon, Russophobe, organizer of coups, and mass murderer Victoria Nuland was departing as the US Undersecretary of State…

Seth Ferris