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The PRC and the US in current events on the Taiwan issue

The Taiwan issue was last discussed in the NEO in the context of the increasingly visible presence of two new centres of influence emerging in the Indo-Pacific, namely India and Japan. The latter is particularly active there. However, the two major world powers, China and the United States, remain the main players in the games around Taiwan. And from the point of view of the former, everything that is somehow related to Taiwan concerns only China and no one else. Washington’s official position can be described by the formula “Yes, but…”, which has three main components…

Vladimir Terehov

Houthis Thwart the US-UK Military Dictatorship on Global South

A multipolar world is taking shape even in the military realm, as can be inferred from Houthi’s ability to curtail the US and UK goal of propping up Israeli genocide in Gaza at all cost. Houthis persistence and continued ability to inflict damage on Israeli, American, and British vessels transiting through Bab el Mandeb until Israel lifts its medieval blockade on Gaza shows that the western empire’s military dictatorship can be resisted by small countries. Meanwhile, the western empire desperately seeks diversion from its failure in the Red Sea…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Is the U.S. moving towards civil conflict?

On 18 March, US Senator Bernie Sanders (who has been in the Senate since 2007) published an article in Foreign Affairs on the need for a radical change in American foreign policy, which, according to him, “requires a rejection of greed, militarism and hypocrisy”. Harshly criticising American adventures in Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., the senator points out that in the last few decades alone the US has been involved in military operations in Afghanistan, Cameroon…

Veniamin Popov