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The deepening gap between the West and the Global South

We are currently witnessing a reformatting of the entire system of international relations – the most striking features of this process are the weakening of the influence of the Western powers and the strengthening of the positions of those states that used to be called developing countries. Some call this phenomenon the emergence of a truly multipolar world…

Veniamin Popov

Biden’s China outreach: Permanent or just a phase?

On the 2nd of April, US President Joe Biden had an almost two-hour-long phone call with China’s Xi Jinping, where both leaders discussed the future of US-China ties and issues that underpin it. A bone of contention was restrictions on the transfer of US technologies to China. While Biden argued that restrictions were meant to protect US “national security”, Xi pointed out that restrictions were hurting China’s smooth growth. But despite this clash, a key outcome of the phone call was Washington’s announcement that the US Treasury Secretary…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Political Party Antics in Georgia & Change in Wording of Draft Law on Foreign Agents

Here we go again, all the three- and four-letter agencies have been at work for years in Georgia, relatively in the open, especially those funded by USAID, the US State Department, the EU, and a list of foreign intelligence services. The list goes on and on, and the purpose is clear, to destabilize Georgia’s fledgling democracy under the guise of helping it. The more they attack the proposed draft legislative act that will force NGOs to publicly declare the source of their funding, the more it seems like a good ideal – as it proves why such legislation is needed…

Henry Kamens