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Archives USA - Page 16 of 70 - New Eastern Outlook

The U.S. deep crisis through the eyes of the RAND Corporation

A series of reports by the RAND Corporation, America’s largest think tank, commissioned by the Pentagon, are expected to be released on 30 April. An American newspaper obtained a copy of the document and gave a summary of its contents. The essence of the RAND Corporation study is that the US is approaching a decline from which few major powers have ever recovered…

Veniamin Popov

China Never Forgets: “Paybacks can be HELL!”

China’s visit to Belgrade on the 25th anniversary of the bombing of their embassy, when taken in conjunction with the cold shoulder given to the US Secretary of State on his arrival in China, should send a clear message to the US. Will the elites in Washington be clever enough to understand it is another question?

Seth Ferris

Power Dynamics in the United Nations: Challenges for Global Peace

The end of the World War 2 brought significant changes to the world system. Two consecutive world wars in a span of 3 decades perplexed world leaders and political scientists. Fear about the outbreak of a new global war worried all the intellectual minds of the globe, and they attempted to formulate a system that could resolve international conflicts peacefully. The United Nations Organization was established as a successor…

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