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Recent developments on the Taiwan issue
The Taiwan issue has seen a number of notable developments in recent weeks, both on the island itself and in the wider region.
The deepening crisis of the West
The dramatic events of July this year have shaken not only America, but the entire Western community. The ongoing standoff between the two major American parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, has caused the world to take a different look at the capabilities of the United States. The fact that Biden stubbornly assured everyone of his ability to lead the United States for another four years, before doing a U-turn overnight, under pressure from senior figures in the Democratic Party, has caused America’s image in the eyes of the world to fade…
The Washington NATO Summit: A Council of War?
Besides Celebrating NATO’s 75th Anniversary, much more is going on behind the scenes, and the true agenda is NOT for public consumption. Already telltale signs are coming out in bits and pieces, as what is likely to be what is actually transpiring, and it is not good. The recent summit only confirmed what some of us already knew, and it is worse than expected, the summit was nothing other a display of weakness and desperation.