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US-PRC relations: How do the countries maintain business contacts amid rising political tensions?

The fifth meeting of the US-China Financial Working Group (FWG) was held in Shanghai on 15-16 August. Against the backdrop of generally rising tensions in bilateral relations, such an event is truly significant for both countries. We decided to highlight this event because it is a symbol of the existence of a reasonable approach to maintaining business relations despite their constant escalation…

Vladimir Terehov

The US elites just cannot accept the changes in the world

In the US media and in the writings of a number of political scientists, the decline of the role and influence of the United States in the world is increasingly recognised. However, Washington is still thinking in terms of the last century, believing that the whole world revolves only around itself, and that the ‘poor’ United States are being opposed by revisionist (i.e. refusing to live according to US ways) powers, such as China and Russia, and such ‘villains’ as Iran and DPRK even openly sabotage US policy.

Veniamin Popov

How is the US Convincing the Philippines to Destroy Itself?

As China rises, Asia rises with it. The Southeast Asian state of the Philippines stood to rise alongside the rest of the region until relatively recently as the United States successfully convinces the Philippines to do otherwise.

Brian Berletic