Archives USA and Afghanistan - New Eastern Outlook
04.07.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

Despite the fact that Afghanistan has been left to its own devices since the withdrawal of American troops, local authorities have managed to keep the situation in the country under control. Having overcome a number of financial, organisational and humanitarian challenges, the Taliban movement is taking small steps towards creating a unique state model based on moderate Islam and Sharia law…

15.03.2024 Madi Khalis Maalouf

The UN Security Council held its regular meeting on Afghanistan on 6 March. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Roza Otunbayeva, made a report and provided an update on political, humanitarian and human rights developments in the country since 1 December 2023. It is recalled that UNAMA’s mandate expires on 17 March this year. This fact has prompted the UN Security Council…

25.02.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

After a two-year respite, Washington seems to be coming ‘back’ to Afghanistan to primarily sabotage China’s inroads. In the second week of February, China received Afghanistan’s ambassador to China, signalling Beijing’s willingness to recognise the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In late 2023, China also became the first country to appoint an ambassador to Afghanistan. These developments come against the backdrop of the success of the Taliban in ensuring that anti-China terror groups, i.e., the Islamic State – Khorasan (IS-K) and…

27.08.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Afghanistan continues to be an area of instability in Asia, with multiple internal and external political conflicts, both ongoing and potential, no socioeconomic stability to speak of, and new waves of irrational migration being created as we speak. The obsession with starting wars has returned to a nation where generations have been educated in a warlike attitude and where there are no work conditions. Furthermore, in order to create controlled disorder in the Asian stage, various centers of power frequently start such a crisis from the outside…

31.07.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

The West is seeking to radicalize and break up the Taliban. It is now two years since the USA withdrew its troops from Afghanistan. In August 2021 the world looked on as the 20-year US campaign ground to an end. What has changed since the US exit from the country? As for the Americans themselves, their attitude to Afghanistan has changed somewhat in the past two years. If, previously, the average U.S. citizen was strongly opposed to the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which was seen as a diplomatic retreat and a blow to America’s reputation, the opposite is now true. Even in Congress, the prevailing view is that ending the Afghan campaign saved Washington…

08.06.2023 Viktor Mikhin
The Middle East and US Terrorist Activities

Incredibly high civilian casualty rates from American-led military adventurism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia have been revealed in a new research by Brown University’s The Cost of War Project in the State of Rhode Island.  The report provides direct data on the victims of the war in which nearly a million people were killed by the US efforts. According to the study, another important aspect that has indirectly killed several million more people is the military destruction of the economy, public services, infrastructure…

11.08.2021 Vladimir Danilov

The US flight from Afghanistan could trigger another humanitarian crisis, Swedish Svenska Dagbladet writes. A Spokesperson for the US Department of State Ned Price said the other day about the growing threat of civil war and crisis in Afghanistan. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated the complete failure of the US mission...

16.02.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
It wasn’t long ago when top U.S. military officials had accused Russia of supplying weapons to the Afghan Taliban, an accusation that the mainstream western media understood not just in terms of some ‘Russian plan’ to make sure that the…
13.01.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
The US is considering to pull about half of its current fighting force out of Afghanistan in order to pave the way for an eventual withdrawal. The RAND corporation has even prepared a peace-plan, which it shared with diplomats in…