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How the CIA “Nurtures” Zelensky’s Ukraine

My lead for this story will make some of you spit your morning coffee all over your smartphone, desktop, or tablet, so put down your cup or suffer the consequences. Uh-hum. Now, get this. The New York Times’s Adam Entous and Michael Schwirtz are convinced the CIA is a “nurturing” spy agency. Stop laughing. This is for real. It’s serious. It’s also ludicrous, of course. According to the reporters, Ukraine soldiers are being coddled, hugged, urged forward, and protected not by the billions of dollars and euros America and the EU…

Phil Butler

Tensions in relations between Moscow and Seoul

In late January and early February, there was a local diplomatic escalation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea, which, in the view of some experts, had the effect of cooling relations between the two countries by a couple of degrees. On January 19, 2024, Georgy Zinoviev, Russian Ambassador to the Republic of Korea told Russian journalists that as long as South Korea did not cross a “red line” and directly supply lethal weapons to Ukraine, Russia was ready to consider the Republic of Korea as a promising partner…

Konstantin Asmolov

Navalny-Assange: Cui bono? Untimely and Convenient Premature “Deaths and Dying!”

I find it hilarious that the same western media that ignored Gonzalo Lira’s death from torture and ill-care by the Ukrainians are now screaming foul about Alexei Navalny … and only too conveniently! Well, the western is having a field day over the so called Russian opposition leader, and they want to present a foregone conclusion as to whom guilty, without any evidence…

Henry Kamens