Archives U.S. in the Middle East - Page 3 of 4 - New Eastern Outlook
20.11.2023 Vladimir Mashin

The American media, including the Democratic-leaning media, acknowledges that President Biden has acted too quickly to back Israel without reservation, has not done enough to uphold Palestinian rights, and has essentially put the US in a position where it can no longer be held accountable for what Israel does next. Netanyahu persists despite Washington’s vocal opposition to Israel’s recent takeover of the Gaza Strip. President Biden urged Israel to defend the main hospital in Gaza on November 13. During a White House ceremony, Biden stated that talks were still ongoing with the Israelis…

17.11.2023 Vladimir Mashin

The Arab press is rife with criticisms of American policy in the Middle East. Washington is in charge of overseeing the conflict even while Israel and Hamas are engaged in a ground battle, as the Al Ahram daily stated on November 7. The Biden administration’s current attempts are out of sync with the times and seriously jeopardize both President Biden’s political prospects and the USA’s status in the world. The Saudi press stressed that relations with Washington would reach a breaking point depending on how the Gaza war turned out. No Arab nation can jeopardize its support for the Palestinian cause..

08.11.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

On the 26th of October, the US military carried out strikes against what it calls the Iran-backed militias operating in Syria and Iraq. This was allegedly in response to attacks on US forces in Syria and Iraq. On the 27th of October, US President Joe Biden reportedly sent a direct message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, warning him of the consequences of Iranian support for the groups targeting the US forces. These clashes and strikes have a geopolitical context. Recently…

05.11.2023 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The war unfolding war in the Middle East goes far beyond Israel vs. Hamas and Hezbollah, and also falls 10 or so years after the last Major US’ Intervention, making it a part of Ledeen Doctrine. On 22nd October 2023, the US announced plans to deploy THAAD and Patriot air defense systems, capabilities that exceed Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s threats, suggesting that the US is preparing for another war…

30.10.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

The military conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip, has continued since 7 October. That day, Hamas launched rocket attacks on central and southern Israel. Hamas militants stormed into the border Israeli communities and seized several border posts and a military base, taking hostages along the way. After the militant invasion, Israel declared war on Hamas, imposed a state of emergency, launched retaliatory air strikes and gave Gaza residents 24 hours to move south. Hamas responded that “dying in their homes” was better than expulsion

29.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The military battle between the Palestinian Hamas and Israel remains a prominent matter of international concern. Despite the chaotic process of building conditional blocs of pro- and anti-Israeli forces, the armed conflict is yet to result in lengthy political discussions with an undetermined end. The West, led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and leading EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, and others), has unambiguously sided with Israel in this conflict, accusing Hamas of terrorism. Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak visited Israel to pledge their political and military support for the Jewish…

26.10.2023 Vladimir Mashin

The conflict in the Gaza Strip has entered its third week, attracting the world’s attention. The UN Security Council has twice failed to adopt a resolution calling for the interruption of military activities, the protection of civilians and the delivery of urgent humanitarian aid to the 2.5 million residents of Gaza. However, the US vetoed both draft resolutions. At first, the US, the UK and France rejected the Russian draft resolution, despite the fact that 30 other states, including 17 Arab states…

18.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

For more than a week, the Middle East has been the focal point of a “heated conflict” between Hamas rebels and Israel Defense Forces. This war’s brutality is astounding in terms of the number of dead and wounded on both sides, the intensity of the exchange of fire, and the amount of collateral damage. More than 1,500 casualties over the course of nine to ten days of battle is a record for Israel. War is usually predictable because it is preceded by political inconsistencies that cannot be handled diplomatically, the assembling…

16.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East clearly has its roots in the history of the formation both of the state of Israel and of Palestine, or rather by the problems caused by the geography of the territories provided by the UN for the foundation of Israel. Throughout its 75-year history, successive governments of the Jewish state have resorted to force in order to extend their country’s borders. In pursuance of this policy, Tel Aviv has received support from the global Jewish diaspora and key Western countries, especially the main “Anglo-Saxon” nations, namely the United States and Great Britain. It was through the conquest…

09.08.2023 Veniamin Popov

America’s influence in the Middle East has weakened in recent years, and Washington’s political agenda has been widely challenged among Arab countries. The Arabs have direct experience of the fact that the Americans’ approach to the region is motivated only by self-interest, with the goal of imposing their will and asserting their own geo-domination rather than assisting these states in resolving their problems. Recent history is littered with such brain-dead projects: a few years ago, they tried to dupe everyone with the concept of a so-called Greater Middle East…

02.07.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
US policy in the Middle East has not met Israel’s expectations

For a “new” model for the peace process, Israel will have to turn to China. In 2020, it seemed that Israel, with US support, was able to take a step towards the Arabs after the signing of the Abraham Accords with the UAE and Bahrain. Despite this, the changing geopolitical landscape and the emergence of China as a key player in mediating regional conflicts have cast doubt on the viability of these agreements. As a result, the idea of boosting Israel’s power by isolating Iran when Tehran and Riyadh are at peace appears illogical…

08.06.2023 Viktor Mikhin
The Middle East and US Terrorist Activities

Incredibly high civilian casualty rates from American-led military adventurism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia have been revealed in a new research by Brown University’s The Cost of War Project in the State of Rhode Island.  The report provides direct data on the victims of the war in which nearly a million people were killed by the US efforts. According to the study, another important aspect that has indirectly killed several million more people is the military destruction of the economy, public services, infrastructure…