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Выборы партии Турции

The number of candidates vying for Turkey's elections is on the rise, and the result remains uncertain...

In Turkey, the active pre-election struggle of opposition and government candidates for the presidency of the country continues. So far, four candidates have been registered. These are the leader of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), representative of the “Republican Alliance”…

Alexandr Svaranc
Выборы в Турции

Turkey: The Fight over the Presidential Election Grows

Due to the fact that May 14 falls on the 77th anniversary of the elections in 1950, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan endorsed the decision made by the Turkish parliament to hold national elections on that date this year. The Republican People’s Party of Turkey, which was founded in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, lost its monopoly on power in the 1950 elections…

Viktor Mikhin
Турция НАТО

The Turkish move: Finland in exchange for F-16s?

Finland and Sweden are reported to have applied to join NATO in May 2022, ostensibly because they fear a military danger from Russia as Russian-Ukrainian military-political relations deteriorate. Yet in truth, neither then nor now, has Russia been a military danger to the Scandinavian nations. However, in case they join the alliance, Russia will have to take…

Alexandr Svaranc