Archives Turkey - New Eastern Outlook
16.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The deepening Middle Eastern crisis and new conflicts may lead to a transformation of the political map of the region. Will Palestine become a new state? And if so, what about Kurdistan?

12.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Usually geographical neighbours must find ‘common ground’. However, history shows that geography does not always bring neighbours closer together, so the capacity for both mutually beneficial partnership and rivalry remains between Russia, Turkey and Iran…

09.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The meeting of the Russian and Turkish heads of state at the SCO summit in Astana did not resolve all existing issues, but showed ‘progressive development’ of bilateral relations…

05.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The international organisation of BRICS, which currently encompasses 9 states, operates on the principles of equality, non-interference and mutual benefit. Considering the unconstructive and aggressive politics of the Collective West, led by the United States, BRICS is attracting an increasing number of countries opposed to monopoly and the dictate of the unipolar world structure, and is slowly forming a multipolar world. However, a candidate’s understandable interest does not automatically guarantee membership in BRICS.

01.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

“A bad peace is better than a good war,” so says a Russian proverb. “If the Turks speak of peace, prepare for war,” so says a Greek proverb. So, what kind of peace is Turkey offering in the Russian-Ukrainian case?

30.06.2024 Henry Kamens

One does not have to dig deep, or have deeply placed sources in the intelligence community, to know what desperate steps will come next in the debacle over Hamas versus Israel, and the ongoing genocide in Gaza, turn now to Hezbollah, Northern Israel, and how the US must live up to its obligations in protecting its most trusted ally in the region – the “fledgling” State of Israel …  And if you believe that – I suspect that you would like to swallow all what is going on in the World today hook, line and sinker as making the world Safe for Democracy and the American Way.

29.06.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Over the past two decades, Turkey has pursued and is pursuing an increasingly active and interventionist foreign policy in line with geopolitical transformations and structural challenges of regional conflicts. With fewer internal restrictions, the Turkish political apparatus and, above all, the President of the Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, had enough room for manoeuvre and flexibility to formulate an ambitious foreign policy, which has at times led to an aggravation of relations with both global and regional players…

27.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The Southern Caucasus is increasingly becoming an arena for conflicting interests of global and regional players. International Transit Communications (ITCs) projects throughout the region are a consequence of the multipolar world that has emerged. However, while the prospects for gains from the implementation of the ITCs are obvious, threats of new conflicts remain…

22.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Turkey’s advantageous geography makes it an attractive participant in important international organisations, which strengthens the country’s sovereignty. BRICS is gaining geopolitical and geo-economic momentum and Ankara is considering with whom and in which direction it should go…

17.06.2024 Viktor Goncharov

The intensification of Turkish policy in West Africa led to the notable failures of Paris, caused in recent years by a series of military coups in its former colonial possessions, which led to a sharp reduction in its political influence in the region. According to a public opinion poll conducted in 2021 with the assistance of the French Council of Investors in Africa, in which 2,426 respondents, including analysts, representatives of private business, civil society, media and religious organisations from 12 African countries…

13.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The death of Iran’s President and Foreign Minister in a plane crash on 19 May was an unexpected tragic event. What happened and can Tehran’s foreign policy approaches change after the snap elections?

12.06.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Ankara’s promotion of its UAVs on the African arms market played a major role in strengthening Turkish influence on the continent. The Bayraktar TB2 model, which, with a wingspan of 12 metres and a flight time of 27 hours, carrying 4 laser-guided missiles, has become not only a symbol of Turkish weaponry in many parts of the world, but has also become an effective tool of Turkish foreign policy.