Archives South Korea - Page 10 of 11 - New Eastern Outlook
23.03.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
Юн Сок Ёль

One of the most significant festivals in the Republic of Korea is March 1, which honors the widespread protests against Japanese colonial rule. Under President Moon Jae-in the holiday became a memorial to martyrs, a reminder of unresolved grievances, historical disputes, and the need for the Japanese to weep, repent, and pay. In his speech on the March First Independent Movement celebration on March 1, 2023…

21.03.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
Оружие РК

A year has passed since Russia launched a special military operation to denazify Ukraine’s criminal regime. Against this backdrop, various parties continue to try to draw South Korea into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, the Republic of Korea is currently ranked 27th out of 57 countries providing aid…

20.03.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

Perhaps the author’s articles focus too heavily on South Korean domestic politics, but even so, when he describes the lengthy planning for an event, he should at least briefly summarize how it went. Recently, there have been two such events that are crucial to the country’s future. Each would have…

06.03.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

On March 8, 2023, the Conservative Party of South Korea will elect its chairman. Because the political parties of the Republic of Korea (ROK) are in many ways an amalgamation of factions, who will be in office is critical. First, the chairman nominates candidates for the April 2024 parliamentary elections, in which People…

02.03.2023 Boris Kushhov

Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun- Erdene’s visit to South Korea was marked by a number of important bilateral meetings and agreements. Especially notable among them is the memorandum of understanding signed on February 15, 2023, on the establishment of a network....

27.02.2023 Boris Kushhov

The United Kingdom is one of Mongolia’s main “third neighbors,” according to Mongolia’s current foreign policy concept. Neither its limited participation in global political and economic processes, nor its extreme geographical distance from Mongolia in comparison to Japan and South Korea, removes it from the list of Mongolia’s key “third neighbor” partners...

20.02.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

On several occasions in his recent articles dealing with the political consequences of the disaster in Itaewon on October 29, 2022, the author has referred to the attempts of the Together Democratic Party (the Democrats) to secure the “dismissal” of Lee Sang-min, Minister of the Interior and Safety (a post that is the equivalent of Minister of Interior Affairs). Now they have...

17.02.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

On February 7, 2023 a very significant event occurred, in the author's opinion. The Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of Nguyen Thi Thanh, a Vietnamese woman seeking compensation from the ROK government. Nguyen claimed that she lost five family members and suffered gunshot wounds herself when members of the Republic of Korea's...

13.02.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

Given that the story about "arms supplies to Russia from the DPRK" has been gaining ground, the author has repeatedly stated that Seoul is the main target of this hysteria that serves as another justification for the ROK's increased involvement in the plans of the US and its allies against Russia's national interests. This strategy included two significant visits at the end of January 2023...

08.02.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

The conservatives’ offensive against the opposition is partly carried out under the slogans of searching for pro-Pyongyang NGOs and North Korean spies, and in this regard here’s a digest of the most famous espionage scandals of recent years. Recall, back on August 6, 2021, four activists from Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, about 140 kilometers south of...

26.01.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

The investigation into the October 29 tragedy in Seoul's Itaewon district, in which 168 people were killed in a stampede, has finally concluded. Both the official investigation team and the parliamentary inquiry launched by the opposition Democratic Party announced their findings. And, because it was obvious from the start that the investigation would be highly politicized, it was...

20.01.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

On January 8, 2023 Andrey Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine suggested that the Russian government may propose a “Korean solution” for bringing an end to the military operations in Ukraine, which would involve dividing the country and legally enshrining Kiev’s loss of control over eastern Ukraine...