Archives Syria - Page 2 of 6 - New Eastern Outlook
20.02.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

On February 7, 2024, the US assassinated a top commander of Iraq’s Paramilitary Organization, Kataeb Hezbollah (here). This attack, like others conducted by the US, was calculated to cause terror, as it was random and, in the capital, where any person can be. Such attacks also attract thousands of outraged and scared onlookers, which greatly pleases Washington and London. However, Washington should have known that none of these terror attacks have ever scared all Iraqis enough to acquiesce to the US or Anglo-Saxons’ long-term colonization of Iraq…

16.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israel maintains its policy of seeking a military solution to the Palestinian issue in the Gaza Strip. Despite the increasing anti-Israeli sentiment and calls for a cessation of hostilities, Tel Aviv remains committed to ending the Hamas political and military presence. Meanwhile, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu must respond to the mass protests of Israelis demanding the release of hostages still held by enemies…

02.02.2024 Taut Bataut

The year 2023 ended with many persisting wars and conflicts around the world. People and analysts around the world see the prevailing genocide by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza shifting into a protracted conflict with an uncertain end. Israel’s massacre threatens the peace across the Middle Eastern region and imperils global trade…

29.01.2024 Brian Berletic

Rumors and announcements have swirled recently regarding the presence of US troops in Syria and Iraq, and the prospect of at least a drawdown of troops taking place in one or both locations. This follows escalating violence between local militias and US forces, who have traded missiles and airstrikes amid the ongoing Israeli invasion of Gaza and a resulting decline in regional security…

28.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Military and political tensions in the Middle East around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are gaining new momentum with a bias towards the expansion and internationalisation of the conflict – from local to regional. On the one hand, pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq are creating a belt of high tension for Israel and the targets (military, diplomatic and commercial) of its Western allies. On the other hand, the military forces and intelligence services of the Israeli-Western…

18.11.2023 Phil Butler

The sides are being drafted for what could be humankind’s last great competition. In my talks with contacts and friends from the four corners of our world, a central theme echo. A common fear is surfacing. Are we about to end civilization again? And the focus of all this apprehension is not Ukraine. It’s Israel. The mainstream media across the Western world is leaving out critical truths about Israel’s war of extermination on the Palestinians…

03.11.2023 Taut Bataut

The United States has claimed that its aircraft carrier, USS Carney, intercepted missiles and a group of drones fired from Yemen. These missiles, according to the Pentagon, were targeted by the Yemeni Houthis towards Israel. The event is significant because the United States, by defending Israel’s airspace, has directly involved itself in a war for the first time in recent memory. This involvement comes against the backdrop of rising tensions in the region, fueled by the Israel-Gaza situation…

20.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
Is Turkey abandoning its loyalty to Russia?

It is impossible to ignore the fact that relations between Russia and Turkey over the past decade have reached a high level of strategic partnership on many issues of both global and regional concern. There are a number of reasons, both practical and ideological, for the development of that partnership. First of all, it has its roots in the independent foreign policies pursued by Presidents Erdoğan and Putin, based on mutual respect for the interests of both countries, the very real need experienced by the two countries for a mutually beneficial economic cooperation and the ongoing…

12.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

At one time many experts and political commentators took the view that there were real hopes for a restoration of good relations between Turkey and Syria, with Russia and Iran acting as brokers, and the prospects for a rapprochement between the two neighbors seemed rosy. But the predicted improvement in relations failed to materialize, and now, in the light of recent statements by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, it seems more unlikely than ever. In a televised interview on August 9, Bashar al-Assad said that he would not meet with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and stressed that “the goal of the Turkish president is to legitimize…

12.08.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The China-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran and the Russia-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Syria gave a glimpse into how the shifting dynamics of global geopolitics are changing regional alignments. China and Russia need the Middle East on their side to be able to effectively challenge – and even reverse – the US-dominated system. The past few months have seen some success in this behalf, evident from the fact that many countries in the Middle East are no longer following the US dictates and that some are even challenging the US (Saudi), seeking concessions from it (Turkey), with countries like Iran already being in a perpetual tussle with Washington…

18.07.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Despite the good intentions and financial promises of the Brussels conference, a comprehensive solution to the Syrian crisis remains unachievable, as reported not only by Arab newspapers but also by much of the international media. It is pointed out that under the current conditions of the difficult Syrian situation, which is a detrimental consequence of the civil war unleashed by the West and several Gulf states, it is impossible, at least in the near future, to return the once prosperous Syria to the bosom of a quiet, prosperous life. As you know, on June 14 and 15, the seventh conference on supporting the future…

03.07.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
The Astana platform on Syria ended

Syria is one of the most pressing concerns on the global diplomacy agenda, with Russia combining a successful peacekeeping role with focused diplomacy. Since the fall of 2015, it has been evident that the United States, its NATO allies, and the armed opposition organizations they were backing have failed to fulfill their primary goal of removing the unwanted administration of Bashar al-Assad and establishing control over the region. The fact that the true American plans have failed is due to Russia. Initially, the entry of the Russian Aerospace Forces into Syria at the invitation of the official authorities in Damascus was greeted with alarm…