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Explaining Macron’s relentlessness against Russia through Françafrique’s unravelling

In the study of international relations, the annals of the history of Franco-African relations are fraught with dark memories that define the future of Franco-African cooperation. After the abolition and dismantling of colonialism, the colonial empires of England and France each maliciously designed a system for perpetuating colonial domination in Africa: Françafrique and the Commonwealth of Nations.

Mohamed Lamine KABA

“Getting Shanghaied” into the Ukrainian Army: Making the Best of a Bad Situation!

It was difficult to decide upon the title but “Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Recruiting Cannon Fodder for the Ukrainian Army” pretty much gives an oversight of what is now the most critical problem facing Ukraine, notwithstanding the constant ongoing issues such as lack of appropriate weapons, rampant corruption, untrained troops, lack of freedom of speech and apparent knowledge that the conflict with Russia is not winnable.

Seth Ferris

Some comments on recent developments in East Asia

The visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the North Korea and Vietnam from June 18 to 20 were a remarkable development not only in relations between the countries, but also in terms of their assessments of how the political situation in East Asian as a whole is developing. As a result of the talks between Vladimir Putin and the North Korean and Vietnamese leaders, an extensive list of measures was drawn up and enshrined in bilateral documents…

Vladimir Terehov