Archives Russia - Page 38 of 40 - New Eastern Outlook
19.04.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
NATO Expansion versus OPEC+ Oil Shock

Finland’s inclusion in, and the consequent expansion of, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), has supposedly brought much joy to the Western world supposedly fighting Russia for the protection of democracy and human rights. The real purpose of this fight, as we already know, is to preserve the West – mainly, the US-led – dominated post-Second World War world order, which assumed the shape of unilateral US hegemony after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. With Russia – and China – delivering the hitherto clearest shock to this unilateral hegemony of the US, the latter is doing all it can to win more and more allies…

16.04.2023 Phil Butler
Владимир Путин и Россия изолированы

Russia is doomed to the same fate as Yugoslavie, or worse. This is a foregone conclusion if you scan western mainstream media, Washington think tank publications, or attend training sessions for US State Department personnel. The Ukraine proxy war, Zelensky the puppet dictator, and stumbling Joe Biden the president…

14.04.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Turkey’s presidential election is just over a month away. As a result, the primary contenders for the highest office in state government have been identified, and the election campaign is in full swing. The major clash is undoubtedly between incumbent President Recep Erdoğan and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the sole representative of the six-party opposition coalition. Muharrem Ince…

09.04.2023 Yuriy Zinin
Россия Китай

The recent visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Russia, the talks between the leaders of both nations, and the signed agreements have sparked significant interest in Middle Eastern media. Observers are analyzing the event’s course and outcome, its impact on the region and the world, and its contribution to the development of relations between the two great powers…

05.04.2023 Phil Butler
multipolar world India-Russia relations

In the news in the western hemisphere today, the truth is like the Holy Grail. And like the cup of Christ, it too may be lost forever. Take any information about Russia or China, for instance. Reality is now shifted not only in the halls of power in Washington, London, and Brussels, but in journalism, academia, the nonprofit sector, business…

31.03.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The military conflict between Russia and Ukraine (as also Ukraine’s NATO allies) has brought some very interesting changes to the international political economy. Whereas this conflict has led Europe – working under immense pressure from the US – to stop its purchase of oil and gas from Russia, it has also allowed Russia to divert its resources, both material…

29.03.2023 Oleg Pavlov
Российско-китайское партнерство

President Xi Jinping undertook a landmark visit to the Russian Federation from March 20 to 23. It was full of events and symbolism, which will be analyzed by political scientists for a long time to come. It is now clear nonetheless that this visit signaled the beginning of a profound transformation of the entire international relations system, which would have a direct impact…

29.03.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
Президент Турции

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed his country in an interview with Turkey’s NTV channel: “Turkey will never be a party to any war; it will always stand for peace and preserve peace. As it does now in the situation with Russia and Ukraine.” It goes without saying that Erdoğan’s assertion runs counter to Turkey’s actions in regional crises in the Middle East, North Africa, and the South Caucasus…

27.03.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which took place in Moscow, were a great success.  The Russian leader emphasized that substantial progress in the Syrian Arab Republic’s battle against international terrorism has been made possible by the nations’ combined efforts and the vital role played…

26.03.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
China Russia

The recently concluded summit consolidated Russia’s and China’s joint bid to challenge the US-dominated global system as well as concerted US efforts to undermine, using any means, emerging global powers. That the push to challenge this system is gaining momentum, evident from the support that both Russia and China continue to receive from the non-Western…

24.03.2023 Boris Kushhov

There are numerous evaluations of the development of Mongolian attitudes towards significant global players by the international media. According to a number of international experts, the Russian Federation’s foreign policy actions since 2014 have allegedly pushed the Mongolian public away from Russia, forcing them to look increasingly hopeful…

24.03.2023 Vladimir Danilov
Россия и Африка

On March 19-20 in Moscow, the Russian State Duma has initiated the Second International Parliamentary Conference “Russia – Africa in a Multipolar World,” in anticipation of the Second Economic Forum “Russia – Africa,” which will start on July 26 in St. Petersburg. Participants in this meeting included representatives of more than 40 African nations…