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Archives Russia - Page 13 of 42 - New Eastern Outlook

How Russia and China are Working to Avoid Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

The dawn of the 21st century brought with it the decline of the US-led unipolar world order. For the first two decades, the United States demonstrated its brutal military might to rival states and non-state actors. The US-led War on Terror was one of its violent operations in the developing world. This war negatively affected the lives of the people of Afghanistan…

Taut Bataut

Containing China means breaking the Beijing-Moscow-Tehran axis

In line with the American strategy of “divide and rule”, characteristic of US hegemonic aims, the objective of Washington’s Chinese strategy is to compartmentalize rival geopolitical powers by exacerbating antagonisms, with the aim of breaking down geographical continuities, economic and security partnerships, and ideological affinities between the various regional blocs…

Tito Ben Saba

West in Meltdown over Nuclear Safety and Electrical Infrastructure in Ukraine!

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…

Seth Ferris