Archives Russia s Special Military Operation - Page 3 of 13 - New Eastern Outlook
11.06.2024 Seth Ferris

It has finally come to the attention of Ukraine’s western masters that, to paraphrase a quote from WW2 about Hitler’s Atlantic wall, “NATO only made one big mistake when building their Fortress Ukraine, they forgot to put a roof on it”…

05.06.2024 Phil Butler

The remarkable news that Italy’s Defence Minister is calling for the West to make a concerted effort to end the conflict in Ukraine may give some people hope. Guido Crosetto recently told the daily Il Messaggero that negotiation with Vladimir Putin is the only way to end the bloodshed. However, doublespeak statements from Italian politicians and business people mirror the EU’s and NATO’s rudderless single mindedness…

03.06.2024 Brian Berletic

Now in its third year, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO), precipitated by the overthrow of neighboring Ukraine’s elected government and the subsequent militarization of the country by the US and the rest of NATO, is admittedly benefiting from Russia’s immense military industrial base…

24.05.2024 Muhammad Ali Baig

The Arctic geopolitical phantasmagoria is incomplete without Russia, whose posture grows increasingly vigorous and risk-tolerant, with a desire for its emergence as a dominant geopolitical power in the region. Russia’s Arctic calculus stems from its intrinsic desire to utilize the region as a strategic resource base. It also aims to develop the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as an alternative shipping artery to facilitate maritime shipping between Europe and Asia…

22.05.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

France has become the first NATO country to send its troops to Ukraine to fight the Russian military forces. This decision is a NATO decision, i.e., a decision involving the invocation of NATO’s Article 5. Yet, this is a significant development, which brings the possibility of a pan-European war closer to becoming an ultimate reality. The question, however, is why France took such a dangerous step that not even the US has. Its answer lies not in France’s sympathy with Ukraine…

21.05.2024 Seth Ferris

It is obvious to all, even the most ardent Ukrainian nationalists, that Ukraine is on the ropes, being battered relentlessly by a far better trained, prepared, and capable opponent. It is like watching a college boxer get hammered by a world champion heavyweight at this point, and one would think it would be in Ukraine’s immediate and long-term interest to cry uncle and try and make the best deal it can with Russia…

18.05.2024 Phil Butler

Poland’s Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, said, “Russian President Vladimir Putin should fear a war with NATO.” In a chest-thumping address before the Sejm, the lower house of his country’s parliament, the former debating club champion predicted Russia’s imminent defeat should Putin dare attack. This is how we know NATO would not stand a chance…

14.05.2024 Phil Butler

On May 9th, Russia once again paid tribute to the tens of millions who perished defeating fascism in WW2. It’s been 79 years since the Soviet Union beat Hitler’s juggernaut back to Berlin. President Putin delivered a solemn address to all present and those watching via television and radio. The focus of the address framed for the world how the Western elites are currently revising history…

11.05.2024 Christopher Black

On May 26, 2023, I wrote an article titled, Britain At War-Provoking the Consequences, attempting to warn the people of Britain and the West that their role in the war against Russia makes them a direct party to the conflict and that, as a consequence, Russia has the right to attack them. It seems the warning has to be repeated because the British, along with the rest of the NATO alliance of aggression, have increased their direct role in the Ukraine conflict…

10.05.2024 Henry Kamens

After the US and the UK closed the skies over Israel from incoming, Zelensky asks why they cannot do this for Ukraine. I think that in general they could try to do this in the future as a last resort, but only for a limited area, and maybe not even then. Now, and into the foreseeable future, any proactive move depends on how events in Ukraine develop, and the end, for Ukraine, is near…

08.05.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Turkish President Recep Erdoğan is expected to pay an official visit to the United States in early May this year, with a full agenda of talks with President Joseph Biden. One of the key issues on the Turkish-American agenda will be the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and options of settlement. What can the summit in Washington shed light on? It is well known that Turkey at first officially took the position of a peacemaker in the situation in Ukraine…

04.05.2024 Seth Ferris

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…