Distasteful Dark European Values – Ukraine Bans the Real Ukrainian Orthodox Church
It is obvious that the US-led Western Empire is desperate to destroy one of the last bastions of traditional values and morality, the Orthodox Church, in order to impose its secular religion of deviancy on the countries that are sheltered by the Church. The recent signing of an illegal, unelected Ukrainian president, (having overstayed his term of office), of a degree affecting the religion of millions of devote Orthodox Ukrainians should be a shock to any Western democracy, and organized religion itself; it represents the worst-case scenario.
Understanding Afghanistan's Complex Societal Dynamics
Afghanistan holds immense geopolitical significance in the global politics. The country has caught the attention of international powers and newspapers since the 9/11 plane crashes into the World Trade Center. Since then, it continued to remain in the headlines. However, Afghanistan has always been discussed as anything but a chessboard of global politics or a security threat to regional and global peace. These aspects hold significance in shaping the Afghan predicament, but the country’s internal dynamics are also responsible for chaos and turmoil in Afghanistan.
Germany cursed by the Hindu Kush
Shouldn’t this sad episode be a wake-up call for Europeans to stop importing causes and flags that aren’t ours? Officially, the Bundeswehr was in Afghanistan because “our security is also defended at the Hindu Kush”, as Defence Minister Peter Struck (SPD) justified Germany’s twenty-year military intervention in the Central Asian country in 2002…
NATO Attacks Russian Orthodox Christianity
NATO attacks Russia not only with physical weapons, sanctions and propaganda; it also attacks Russia using religion. On April 15, Tass reported that Ukrainian artillery units in Adveevka were given Orthodox Churches as targets for their high explosive shells. That the Nazi Kiev forces attack churches should not perhaps surprise us. The Donbass People’s Republic mission to…
Unveiling Islamophobia: Understanding Root Causes and Crafting Solutions
Islamophobia, the fear, hate, and prejudice against Muslims and Islam which leads to hate speech, harassment, and crimes, persists to be one of the most pressing issues around the globe. In recent years, Muslims around the world have encountered scores of attacks on their religious gathering. The United Nations has warned in its recent report about the rise of Islamophobia to alarming levels. Discrimination and violence have risen to unprecedented levels despite efforts…
Vladyka Konstantin: “For me, Africa is the place of my ministry, my native continent”
My conversation with the Acting Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, Bishop Constantine (Ostrovsky) of Zaraisk, took place shortly after the decision of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria to remove him from archpastoral ministry. But we talked mainly about other things: about how the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa live and what problems the clergy face on the ground; the humanitarian charitable projects jointly organized with Maria Lvova-Belova, the Children’s Rights Commissioner…
"Hezbollah" maintains the threat of entering the Arab-Israeli conflict
The pro-Iranian Shi’ite military organisation and political party Hezbollah (“Party of Allah”) is known to advocate the establishment of an Islamic state in Lebanon along the lines of Iran. Initially, this structure supported the just struggle of the Palestinians against Israel, for which it was recognized by Tel Aviv as a terrorist organisation. With the beginning of the anti-Israeli military conflict of Hamas on 7 October this year, “Hezbollah declared its readiness to support the Arabs the very next day, and to enter the war if the IDF launched a ground operation against the Gaza Strip…
Are they martyrs or spies?
The Ministry of Reunification declared on November 2, 2023 that it chose to identify family members of South Korean nationals who had been detained in North Korea for a prolonged amount of time as Pyongyang abduction victims. Four family members living in the ROK will receive benefits ranging from 15 million to 20 million won ($11,000 to $15,000) per family. “For a substantial solution to the issue of detainees, abductees and prisoners of war (in North Korea), the government will cooperate with civic groups to continue to draw attention at home and abroad…
The non-Western world’s revolt against the excessive cynicism of the West
The vast majority of people on the planet today publicly condemn individuals who still call themselves “defenders of human rights” and other “freedoms” for actually being the primary culprits when it comes to defending the values they so loudly proclaim to adhere to. Particularly with regards to offenses committed against non-Western populations or those perceived by the West as not belonging to the “right” side. In fact, this did not take much to be exposed. From the perspective of the Western order and those who blindly follow it, the blood of the “wrong” people is worthless…
What was the obvious and not-so-obvious significance of the Pope’s visit to Mongolia?
The Pope’s journey to Mongolia concluded on September 4. This was a spiritual as well as a state visit, and the Pope was not only visiting Mongolia as the head of the Catholic Church. In addition to preaching, inaugurating a Charity House, and meeting with members of the Catholic community, Francis met with Mongolian dignitaries, including the President of Mongolia, Prime Minister, and Speaker of Parliament. Despite a pretty unusual agenda and expectations of equally unusual remarks and outcomes from this journey…
Arresting Priests & Concocted Rift in Orthodox Church –Greatest Victim of the Ukraine Conflict!
Arresting priests, especially based on the orders of someone claiming to be Jewish, is not a wise decision. Ukrainian leaders, including Zelensky, have accused the long-established Ukrainian Orthodox Church of undermining “Ukrainian unity,” although it’s unclear what exactly that means. Religion is being weaponized in Ukraine, a phenomenon that has occurred throughout history in both the Church and Europe. However, this proxy war inspired by the West is complicating matters that should have been allowed to progress naturally—and be resolved by the Orthodox Church itself…
Stand with Ukraine and Shun God
Behind the ghastly military conflict in Ukraine a proxy war has been declared against the Russian people. And deeper still, a spiritual conflict between the Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and a nationalist movement of stunning iniquity. The world has witnessed over the last year a shocking military collision between Russia and Ukraine. Yet behind the military conflict…