Archives PRC - Page 3 of 8 - New Eastern Outlook
03.03.2024 Vladimir Terehov

China is willing to participate in international platforms where opinions are exchanged on various aspects of the current stage of the Big World Game. For, as we have said, “Comrade Mauser” will remain silent as long as the lines of communication between the key participants, through which certain signals are transmitted, are not closed. Which, with its current power, is crucial. The hypothesis that propaganda fighters may use “tactical nukes” with impunity on certain players is dubious…

29.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

Several events directly or indirectly related to Japan, which have taken place since the beginning of 2024, provide an opportunity to reflect once again on the positioning of this country in the surrounding political space. Where its active presence is becoming more and more noticeable. First of all, there was the 7.6 magnitude undersea earthquake that occurred on 1 January 2024 near the Noto Peninsula on the west coast of Honshu Island. In terms of magnitude…

16.02.2024 Boris Kushhov

On January 24, 2024, Uzbek President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of his official visit to China. Meetings between the two states are not uncommon, having occurred four times in 2023 alone. This time, however, it is an event of historic proportions as the two countries have elevated their bilateral relations to an “all-weather all-round strategic partnership in a new era.” The meeting was attended by up to 25 high-ranking representatives from the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan…

11.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The state visit of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to Vietnam took place on 29-30 January this year. This event in itself and the various circumstances surrounding it deserve at least a brief and very general commentary. Mainly because it is a remarkable act in the relations between two important countries of the South-East Asia sub-region, where the current stage of the “Big World Game” with the participation of the leading world powers, i.e. China and the USA, is developing with particular acuteness. The presence of new emerging significant players is becoming more and more…

06.02.2024 Boris Kushhov

On December 21, 2023, Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov gave the go-ahead for the construction of the new Bakhty-Ayagoz railway line in the Abay region. The project aims to construct a 272-kilometer double-track railway that will extend to the border of Kazakhstan and the PRC. The new line is expected to become operational in 2027. Currently, there are two rail border crossings with developed freight terminals on the Sino-Kazakh border: Khorgos and Dostyk-Alashankou. Almost 50% of all cargo transported along the China-Europe route passes through these border crossings…

01.02.2024 Fernando Gaillardo

This is especially notable when combined with the rise to power in Taiwan of staunch separatist Lai Ching-te, who has taken a hardline stance on the island’s independence from the PRC. While the world is anxiously following the intricacies of the US election race, US political scientists and international relations experts predict that any outcome of the campaign does not bode well for China, the world’s second largest economy and the Americans’ main rival. Anti-China sentiments are so deeply rooted and spread throughout the political establishment of the United States…

30.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

For more than thirty years, China’s foreign policy activity in each new year has invariably begun with a tour of a number of African countries by the Chinese Foreign Minister. The increasing importance of the continent as part of the so-called “Global South” and for the main participants in the “Great World Game” has become a commonplace in texts devoted to analysing the processes taking place in the world today…

28.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The remarkable recent developments in the above-mentioned countries are interesting because they characterise the development of the situation in the vast Indian Ocean region. This region, however, has been included for almost two decades in the more general political and geographical category of the Indo-Pacific. The struggle between the world’s leading players for control of the situation in the Indian Ocean region as a whole, but mainly over the largest trade route passing through it, has been manifesting itself in recent years…

25.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

So, on 13 January, one of the most notable events of the current stage of the “Great World Game” took place, which was the “calendar” general election in Taiwan. According to their results, the island will now be governed by a new president (since Tsai Ing-wen, who held this post for two consecutive terms, could not once again run for office) and a completely renewed parliament. It seems appropriate to express at once the author’s assessment of this whole action, which, however, has already been outlined earlier. Its significance was rather overestimated by months-long efforts of the leading actors…

23.01.2024 Vladimir Mashin

There is an increasing number of conflict situations in the world today. Most of them are caused by unilateral actions of the US, which has claimed the right to interfere in the affairs of other states. In a unipolar world, Washington continued to enrich itself at the expense of other countries and people by fomenting conflicts in various parts of the globe. In the Pacific, the US is creating tension around Taiwan, using it to “contain” China, its main economic competitor. At the same time, it is provoking strife between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea…

23.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

Earlier, the NEO discussed the forecasts by representatives of Chinese academia of a possible scenario for the development of relations in 2024 between the two current leading world powers, i.e. the United States and China, which were presented by the Global Times at the end of last year. We would like to emphasise once again that the nature of changes on the table of the “Great World Game” as a whole will depend on this scenario. The results of the work carried out by the newspaper’s editorial staff were expressed in two words: “stabilisation” and “uneven”. These are responsible words…

22.01.2024 Fernando Gaillardo

The election of a candidate from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which supports Taipei’s independence and closer ties with the United States, may result in increased tensions with Beijing. The situation regarding the conflict around Taiwan is becoming increasingly complex. On January 13 of this year, international experts were making preliminary forecasts for the general elections on the island and possible developments…