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Observer’s participation? Mongolia’s Prime Minister attends the SCO heads of government council meeting

The Mongolian leadership’s unwillingness to express a clear desire to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is often interpreted by various experts as a demonstration of the country’s rejection of expanding partnerships with “non-Western” powers, as well as a peculiar gesture of distrust towards China. No one in Mongolia sees an immediate need for the country’s full SCO membership; the country is already surrounded by the organization’s space…

Boris Kushhov

The non-Western world’s revolt against the excessive cynicism of the West

The vast majority of people on the planet today publicly condemn individuals who still call themselves “defenders of human rights” and other “freedoms” for actually being the primary culprits when it comes to defending the values they so loudly proclaim to adhere to. Particularly with regards to offenses committed against non-Western populations or those perceived by the West as not belonging to the “right” side. In fact, this did not take much to be exposed. From the perspective of the Western order and those who blindly follow it, the blood of the “wrong” people is worthless…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Turkey-Israel relations face a new test...

Due to ethnic kinship, the confluence of “seasonal romance,” or other subjective factors, some experts who hold a particularly positive opinion of Turkey and remember the history of the Ottoman Empire in “rosy colors” also point out that the current Republic of Turkey, as the legitimate heir to the Ottoman heritage (including the Caliphate), demonstrates responsible foreign policy. Petr Akopov, for instance, believes that Turkey opposes the US-led Western policy of neocolonialism, attempts to step back and prevent wars in times of crisis, especially in the Russian-Ukrainian and Arab-Israeli conflicts, advances the goal of establishing…

Alexandr Svaranc