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Finally, the Answers You Sought – That’s All Folks!

Most informed people are pretty tired of the nonsensical mudslinging Western mainstream media (tabloid media) engages in. And where Russia or her President Vladimir Putin are concerned, all information networks are like those Looney Tunes episodes we all watched as kids. I expect Porky Pig to pop out of my smartphone screen at any moment. It would all be hilarious if the disparaging lying were not so deadly serious.

Phil Butler

Towards the results of the general election in Taiwan

So, on 13 January, one of the most notable events of the current stage of the “Great World Game” took place, which was the “calendar” general election in Taiwan. According to their results, the island will now be governed by a new president (since Tsai Ing-wen, who held this post for two consecutive terms, could not once again run for office) and a completely renewed parliament. It seems appropriate to express at once the author’s assessment of this whole action, which, however, has already been outlined earlier. Its significance was rather overestimated by months-long efforts of the leading actors…

Vladimir Terehov

When the Truth Lies Dead and Buried - Resurrect Logic

If you read Western mainstream propaganda these days, you’ll find the truth hidden so deep no archaeologist could unearth it. A case in point is a buried lead in a story from the New York Post suggesting Russia has secret plans to hit NATO hard in the coming months. According to the Post’s Chris Nesi, leaked secret documents released by German newspaper BILD tell of Europe preparing for Vladimir Putin to expand his military operation in Ukraine and…

Phil Butler