Archives Politics - Page 26 of 33 - New Eastern Outlook
28.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The remarkable recent developments in the above-mentioned countries are interesting because they characterise the development of the situation in the vast Indian Ocean region. This region, however, has been included for almost two decades in the more general political and geographical category of the Indo-Pacific. The struggle between the world’s leading players for control of the situation in the Indian Ocean region as a whole, but mainly over the largest trade route passing through it, has been manifesting itself in recent years…

28.01.2024 Phil Butler

Most informed people are pretty tired of the nonsensical mudslinging Western mainstream media (tabloid media) engages in. And where Russia or her President Vladimir Putin are concerned, all information networks are like those Looney Tunes episodes we all watched as kids. I expect Porky Pig to pop out of my smartphone screen at any moment. It would all be hilarious if the disparaging lying were not so deadly serious.

25.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

So, on 13 January, one of the most notable events of the current stage of the “Great World Game” took place, which was the “calendar” general election in Taiwan. According to their results, the island will now be governed by a new president (since Tsai Ing-wen, who held this post for two consecutive terms, could not once again run for office) and a completely renewed parliament. It seems appropriate to express at once the author’s assessment of this whole action, which, however, has already been outlined earlier. Its significance was rather overestimated by months-long efforts of the leading actors…

25.01.2024 Phil Butler

If you read Western mainstream propaganda these days, you’ll find the truth hidden so deep no archaeologist could unearth it. A case in point is a buried lead in a story from the New York Post suggesting Russia has secret plans to hit NATO hard in the coming months. According to the Post’s Chris Nesi, leaked secret documents released by German newspaper BILD tell of Europe preparing for Vladimir Putin to expand his military operation in Ukraine and…

24.01.2024 Henry Kamens

Georgia has played a crucial role as a “bellwether” for unfolding political or geopolitical events, a trend with far-reaching impact that has been evident over the past three decades since the collapse of the USSR. With the conflict in Ukraine losing direction and support from the West, the focus of Western elites is now turning towards Georgia, a small Caucasian nation, but not in a good way. This shift in attention underscores Georgia’s significance in providing insights into broader geopolitical dynamics and reveals how desperate shape the West has found itself…

24.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

As time passes after the end of France’s military presence in the Sahel and the last French troops are withdrawn from Niger, the focus of many political analysts is on analysing its previous policies in the region. The withdrawal of French troops symbolises the end of Paris’s strategy, which disproportionately emphasised military power while sidelining the more needed elements of social and political support for Africans. The same political scientists draw the natural conclusion that France’s over-reliance on the military to the detriment of fostering development ultimately led to a weakening…

23.01.2024 Abbas Hashemite

Recently, the world has seen unprecedented tensions between Iran and Pakistan. Both countries have conducted strikes over each other’s territories amidst the surging tensions across the Middle Eastern region and beyond. Iran has conducted strikes over Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan due to multiple factors. However, what caught the world’s attention was Iran’s missile attacks on Pakistan, as the latter is a nuclear power known for its military capabilities…

21.01.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

From December 26 to 30, 2023, Pyongyang hosted the 9th Enlarged Plenum of 8th WPK Central Committee, which summarized the results of the past year and set plans for the future. While much of the country was celebrating the arrival of 2024, the author was analyzing the materials of the plenum, adhering to the principle of ‘how you meet the new year, so you spend it. There were many interesting findings. To begin with, the structure of the plenum has already become part of the tradition…

19.01.2024 Boris Kushhov

The September-December 2023 period witnesses significant progress in the harmonization of the most territorially disputed border in Central Asia, namely the border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Of the nearly 1,000 kilometers of the line separating the two republics, almost 400 kilometers remained uncoordinated for many years Now the parties are announcing deadlines for the completion of all work designed to exhaust the conflict potential of the problem. Work on harmonizing the Tajik-Kyrgyz border intensified in October 2023 – almost 75 kilometers of the border…

19.01.2024 Madi Khalis Maalouf

The new Emir of Kuwait, Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, was sworn in on 20 December 2023, following the death of his older brother Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on 16 December. Sheikh Nawaf was the sixteenth Emir and ruled for just three years from his accession to the throne in September 2020. The late monarch took the throne at the venerable age of 84. At that time, he was already suffering from serious heart disease and internal organ damage. Perhaps for this reason, Sheikh Nawaf’s reign was characterised by relative calm. The past emir was focused solely on avoiding…

15.01.2024 Aleksei Bolshakov

During the last several years the situation in the Sahel region has undergone significant changes. Coups d’Etat have consistently taken place in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Niger and Gabon. Realizing their own significance in the multipolar world, African countries are more and more drifting away from the former colonial powers, which had used them for centuries as a cheap source of natural resources. Such perturbations in the region are giving way to a new span…

12.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

One of the main defining features of the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 2023, which just concluded in December, was the rapidly growing influence of the so-called Global South. This was reflected in the issues discussed and deals struck, including a landmark agreement on ‘loss and damage’ on the opening day of the summit. While the concept of the Global South dates back to the 1960s, the use of the term has grown significantly in recent years, including during the violent conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. While the Global North generally corresponds to the Western world…