Archives Niger - New Eastern Outlook
02.07.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Despite the fact that Washington has sought to maintain its military presence in Niger, formerly one of the main US allies in the Sahel region, and has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in developing its military infrastructure and training local armed forces, it nevertheless failed to achieve its goals and was forced to accept the harsh conditions dictated by the national authorities…

17.06.2024 Viktor Goncharov

The intensification of Turkish policy in West Africa led to the notable failures of Paris, caused in recent years by a series of military coups in its former colonial possessions, which led to a sharp reduction in its political influence in the region. According to a public opinion poll conducted in 2021 with the assistance of the French Council of Investors in Africa, in which 2,426 respondents, including analysts, representatives of private business, civil society, media and religious organisations from 12 African countries…

05.04.2024 Viktor Goncharov

On 16 March this year, Niger’s military government announced the cancellation of its military cooperation agreement with the United States regarding the status of US Department of Defense personnel and civilians on Nigerian territory. In a statement on national television, Amadou Abdramane, a spokesman for Niger’s military leadership, said the agreement was imposed on Niger in 2012 in violation…

13.11.2023 Viktor Goncharov

Notwithstanding that three months have already passed after overthrowing of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger and coming into power of military servicemen headed by the Commander of the Republican Guard General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the development of the situation in this country still is in the focus of close attention. And it is connected, in the first turn, with the contradictions that arose between the two main external players – France and its senior partner, the USA, with regard to the ways and means of resolving this crisis.  The fact is that, of all the Western countries…

15.10.2023 Viktor Goncharov

On 26 July 2023, senior members of Niger’s presidential guard, normally tasked with protecting President Mohamed Bazoum, announced that they had ousted him from power, holding him hostage inside his official residence. Subsequently, on 28 July, General Abdourahamane Tiani, the commander of the presidential guard, declared himself the head of the military-run National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, and the former chief of army staff, General Salifou Mody, who was dismissed by President Bazoum in March, was appointed his deputy…