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The Dark Occult World Behind Ukraine

World events have abandoned any concept of reason or reality.  Nuclear war is now seen by many, perhaps most, as inevitable.  Insanity and injustice are flourishing and humanity will either end or the mechanisms that make up our world as we know it must grind to a halt. No side even cares to bring God into the equation anymore.  Third Reich occultism is reborn in not just Ukraine...

Gordon Duff

The Uyghurs and Anti-China Propaganda

On August 26th 2022 as the US-NATO directed counter-offensive against the Donbass Republics and other Ukrainian regions resisting the NATO installed Nazi friendly regime in Kiev began to take place, the NATO states, led by the United States and Britain, escalated their aggression against China. The Donbass Republics and Russian forces broke the Kiev...

Christopher Black

The US is Exacerbating the Rift between Turkey and Greece in NATO

The conflicts between individual NATO members are becoming more and more difficult for the alliance to sweep under the carpet - especially one of its most noticeable “cracks”, which exists between Greece and Turkey. Against the background of deteriorating relations with Ankara, the White House has already stopped even trying to hide that...

Vladimir Odintsov