Archives modern society - Page 3 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook
05.03.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The successful organization of the Games of the Future in Kazan not only once again confirmed the highest position of Russia as one of the leading powers in the fields of sports and high technologies, both in terms of results in competition as well as an organizer of such global events, but also has clearly defined a new global trend with enormous potential. The first-ever Games of the Future have concluded. The games took place at 11 competition venues in Kazan, as well as in Innopolis and the federal territory of Sirius….

29.02.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

Soon young people, experts and distinguished guests from all over the world will come together in Sochi, Russia, for the World Youth Festival 2024, the largest youth event in the world. Volunteers and organisers are already at work at the federal territory ‘Sirius’ (the Olympic Park), where the main programme will take place from 1st – 7th of March. The history of this event goes back decades; the first such festival was held by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) in 1947 in Prague…

27.02.2024 Phil Butler

There is a great evil in our midst. It’s surreal. Humanity, all of us, are shackled in a lunatic fabrication. COVID and other catastrophes should have brought us closer to realising this collectively. Forces, the so-called conspiracy theorists over, their actual existence is reflected in the lies right before us. If you’ll bear with me here, perhaps in my small way, I can shed a pinpoint of light on the truth.

26.02.2024 Taut Bataut

Climate Change is undoubtedly the greatest existential threat facing humanity today. As wars rage around the globe and countries pursue economic and political policies that are causing ever-increasing fragmentation, scientists and climate activists find that their voices fall on deaf ears. The COVID-19 crisis exposed societies all over the world to the risks posed by large-scale shocks to the system of Global Value Chains (GVCs) that bring food from farmers thousands of miles away to our supermarkets and our tables. However, scientists argue that a climate change crisis…

10.02.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, is preparing to host the major international tournament Games of the Future. This event once again proves Russia’s ability not only to organize international top meetings and competitions at the highest level, but also and in general, the country’s confirmed position in the field of high technologies – at the time when the growing national independence in such a key sector maintains its openness to the world and joint interactions. The Games of the Future will therefore be held in Kazan…

08.02.2024 Fernando Gaillardo

As early as February this year, Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, will hold a presidential election. Based on a poll of the archipelago’s population, there are three main candidates – Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto (35% support), representative of the ruling Indonesian Struggle Party Ganjara Pranowo (30% support) and Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan (22% support). At the moment, the result is unpredictable, but it is already known for sure that the political climate in the whole Southeast Asia depends…

08.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

In April-May this year, India, now one of the world’s leading powers, will hold general elections to choose the members of its lower house of parliament and, consequently, to elect a new government. We should add the word “formally” here, because all the procedures prescribed by the existing constitution will need be complied with.For, as previously noted in NEO, there is now little doubt that the National Democratic Alliance, the center-right coalition that has ruled since 2014, will win yet another victory (the third in a row, albeit with varying margins). The NDA comprises more than forty parties and movements, but it is dominated by the Bharatiya Janata Party…

03.01.2024 Ivan Kopytsev

There is now an unequivocal scientific consensus that political, economic, social and cultural issues in Sub-Saharan Africa must be viewed through the prism of ethnicity. This hypothesis is supported by the multi-ethnicity characteristic of most of the states in the region and the rich empirical base of inter-ethnic conflicts and contradictions based on the study of East, Tropical and Southern Africa. Nevertheless, with regard to the territory of the former Western Sudan and, according to some data, some other areas of the African continent, it is appropriate to speak of a significant levelling…

21.12.2023 Yuliya Novitskaya

What do Russian and African women have in common? Can we make the world a better place so that our children have a better life than we did? We discussed all of this and more with Oksana Mayorova, the African Women’s Union’s Director of International Development…

17.12.2023 Yuliya Novitskaya

Our conversation with GALLI MONASTYREVA, the Director of Humanitarian Projects at the Association for Economic Cooperation with African countries, was both interesting and heartfelt. Only a person with a sincere love for their work, and for Africa, can talk about it as she does…

06.12.2023 Yuliya Novitskaya

In terms of the quantity of scientific publications, Russian is ranked second and is among the top 5 languages in the world according to the Power Language Index rating. Furthermore, it’s growing in popularity. According to recent studies, proficiency in Russian is “a significant competitive advantage in the international labor market”. The demand for studying Russian has been steadily increasing in recent years. In numerous nations, including those in Europe. Furthermore, interest in the “great and mighty” Russian language is surpassing all prior records on the African continent…

01.12.2023 Yuliya Novitskaya

When accompanying your husband on a work trip to Africa, how do you not only manage to stay married, but also start your own charity and business? How can you avoid walking on and ignoring another person’s suffering? How can you be generous and share your energy with those around you? How can you find ways to continue to do good? We talk about this and more with Yanina Dubeikovskaya, who has a PhD in Philosophy, and is the organizer of the Kalingalinga Girls…