Archives Military service - New Eastern Outlook
A Russia-US Military Spending - Necessity Versus Waste
As Reuters tells it, Russian President Vladimir Putin is draining the state’s coffers to pay volunteers to aid the special military campaign in Ukraine. The Western media claims praying signup bonuses will “create imbalances in the overheated economy.” Meanwhile, in the U.S., recruiters are recommending reinstituting press gangs just to fill quotas for the world’s biggest military. A short comparison here should be a wake-up call for people living in NATO countries.
Recruiting Standards “Down” in Most armies, but “Allegations” of Ukraine using Recruits with “Downs Syndrome” and other Disabilities in a New Low!
It should come as no surprise that Ukraine is stooping to use low intelligence troops in its military, and there are even allegations of them using those with DOWNs Syndrome. We also know how the US did the same thing during the Vietnam War—less the DOWNS recruits. As during the unpopular and illegal war in Vietnam, many of the clever ones are escaping the call-up to the military by paying bribes to get out of serving, or simply escaping the country…
BATUK: British Army ‘Tainting Unit in Kenya’ or Tropical Sex Holiday Home?
It is customary for the UK foreign ministry and the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to boast how the country assist its allies including Kenya to maintain security by training the latter’s military and police and also deploying soldiers in these allies’ territories. London has repeatedly insisted on its ally Kenya to sigh ‘defense’…