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The failure of US Middle East policy

Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza has been going on for five months. The majority condemned the actions of the Israeli authorities, as evidenced by the UNGA resolution of December 2023, according to which 153 countries were in favour of a ceasefire, as well as the decision of the International Criminal Court, which in fact considered these actions as genocide. To date, this terrible war has caused the death of 100 thousand people, more than one third of the houses have been destroyed, almost 1.5 million people are on the verge of starvation – all this causes outrage of the world community…

Veniamin Popov

Cecil Rhodes’ Plan for Colonization of the Globe by Anglo-Saxons Fails in Iraq

On February 7, 2024, the US assassinated a top commander of Iraq’s Paramilitary Organization, Kataeb Hezbollah (here). This attack, like others conducted by the US, was calculated to cause terror, as it was random and, in the capital, where any person can be. Such attacks also attract thousands of outraged and scared onlookers, which greatly pleases Washington and London. However, Washington should have known that none of these terror attacks have ever scared all Iraqis enough to acquiesce to the US or Anglo-Saxons’ long-term colonization of Iraq…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Russia’s “Aggressive Attrition” Cracks Fortress Avdeevka

The term “aggressive attrition,” coined by geopolitical analyst Alexander Mercouris, can be described as a strategy of deliberately and aggressively creating strategic and political dilemmas compelling an adversary to commit large amounts of manpower, equipment, and ammunition to well-prepared areas of operation. Russia has employed this strategy successfully across the line of contact in Ukraine over the course of its Special Military Operation (SMO) following its beginning in February 2022…

Brian Berletic