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Archives Military conflict - Page 36 of 36 - New Eastern Outlook

Противостояние Израиля и Ирана

The Conflict Between Israel and Iran Adopts New Contours

Israel is renowned for its active diplomacy, particularly in the Middle East and surrounding areas. Tel Aviv is seeking partners among the pro-Western countries of the Arab East, the de-facto Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, NATO Turkey, and the newly formed Muslim countries of the post-Soviet space, for obvious reasons of localizing external threats arising from the consolidation…

Alexandr Svaranc

Why the US seeks War with China by 2025

In recent weeks there has been a build-up of talk regarding a US war with China. Not because of any actual provocation from Beijing, but instead because of a collective resignation to its supposed inevitability. This is best illustrated by comments made by US Air Force General Michael Minihan. In TIME Magazine’s article, “U.S. General’s Prediction of War…

Brian Berletic

Georgia’s Involvement in Foreign Wars and Conflicts Comes Home to Roost

Mass shootings are mostly a Western thing, and most commonly American, where with distressing frequency a new shooter brings about carnage and raises calls to ban assault weapons. But the same is now happening in places such as Georgia, which is paying the price for trying to improve its lot by being uncritical US ally...

Henry Kamens