Archives Military conflict - Page 20 of 22 - New Eastern Outlook
28.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Despite the fact that the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is a direct outcome of Washington’s flawed policies, the Biden administration is doing everything it can to turn this conflict into a wider war in the region. Providing US$3.8 billion in military aid to Israel versus US$100 million only for Gaza clearly demonstrates Washington’s priorities. For this reason, Arab states, including the UAE, otherwise signatories of the now infamous Abraham Accords, are not only criticising Israel but also showing who they think is the best possible global power that must side with them vis-à-vis Israel and in support of Palestine…

27.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Historically, the United States has launched several wars under numerous pretenses, ranging from anti-terrorism to human rights and democracy. The United States’ victory in the Cold War made it the sole policeman of the world. This power helped the US to impose wars on different countries. These wars inflicted chaos and turmoil in the host countries. The United States possesses a history of interfering in the internal affairs of a score of countries around the world, especially the poor nations…

26.10.2023 Vladimir Mashin

The conflict in the Gaza Strip has entered its third week, attracting the world’s attention. The UN Security Council has twice failed to adopt a resolution calling for the interruption of military activities, the protection of civilians and the delivery of urgent humanitarian aid to the 2.5 million residents of Gaza. However, the US vetoed both draft resolutions. At first, the US, the UK and France rejected the Russian draft resolution, despite the fact that 30 other states, including 17 Arab states…

25.10.2023 Seth Ferris

There is always a conflict between high principle and pragmatism. Embracing both is probably a wise strategy—at least in theory. But you cannot have it both ways, or at least you shouldn’t! This is a lesson that the UK Minister of Defense is learning, and the hard way, as he has opened his mouth and inserted his foot. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps’ recent “suggestion” of British troops being sent to Ukraine to train the military for the first time was quickly walked back; at least, that is what is appeared to be the case when…

24.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

The Russia-Ukraine conflict commenced in February 2022 when the former entered the latter. Most of the Western propaganda media channels put the ounce of this conflict solely on Russia. The West has completely blocked the Russian media. It has established unprecedented censorship and control over the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict to prevent the Western public from knowing the facts leading to this conflict. They portray it as President Putin’s ambition to revive the Soviet Union, ignoring the historical and geographical facts behind the conflict and his denial of any desire to revive the Soviet Union. Although ignorance is considered a bliss in some situations, this time it is proving a catastrophe because this event would affect the global geopolitics…

24.10.2023 Veniamin Popov

The United States’ unwavering backing for Israel, while ignoring the Palestinians, has provoked anger throughout the Global South, particularly in the Islamic world. Several nations held anti-American protests, which included the United States Capitol. For a few hours, 500 regular Americans—many of whom were Jewish—took control of the Capitol Building and demanded that Palestine be saved. The activities of the US administration were so heinous that most of those present at the Human Rights Council in Geneva…

23.10.2023 Brian Berletic

As Russia’s special military operation (SMO) approaches two years of intense fighting, having parried Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” and with the initiative shifting to Russian forces, Western capitals are now admitting they are reaching the limits to remaining support for Kiev. During the Ukrainian offensive alone, the Western media has admitted Ukrainian forces have suffered catastrophic losses in both manpower and material. The Ukrainian economy has all but been replaced by heavy subsidies from the United States, Europe…

20.10.2023 Henry Kamens

The never-ending bioweapons’ lab story, with the alleged network of US funded military labs in places like Georgia, Ukraine and Africa, is one story that just won’t go away.   Many officials, especially those connected to the US government, would rather label it as a conspiracy theory, and those who investigate and report on it as agents of Russian disinformation. Regardless, it should be center stage to what is a rapidly growing emergency, a public health threat to all of humanity…

19.10.2023 Taut Bataut

The Hypocrisy of States Advocating for Religion, Human Rights

The situation in Gaza has starkly revealed the insensitivity and hypocrisy of not only the Western world but also the Muslim community. Across the globe, many Muslim countries in the 21st century have experienced chaos and destruction. Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, and others have endured prolonged suffering and devastation. However, the situation in Palestine is uniquely sensitive, with far-reaching consequences for the global order, as emphasized by numerous human rights organizations and activists. Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur…

18.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

For more than a week, the Middle East has been the focal point of a “heated conflict” between Hamas rebels and Israel Defense Forces. This war’s brutality is astounding in terms of the number of dead and wounded on both sides, the intensity of the exchange of fire, and the amount of collateral damage. More than 1,500 casualties over the course of nine to ten days of battle is a record for Israel. War is usually predictable because it is preceded by political inconsistencies that cannot be handled diplomatically, the assembling…

18.10.2023 Phil Butler

In recent days, Israel has been under attack from Hamas, Palestinian militants, and other groups on several fronts. Sadly, hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians have already been killed. And, as usual, the political forces that thrive on such conflicts wriggle and squirm to ensure their plans are successful. Many experts agree that this attack will justify the Israelis practicing genocide to erase the millions living in the Gaza open-air prison. And the people watching are convinced this, and the Western war on Russia, are the opening acts of the end of days. For Israel, it’s a prime time to go ahead and exterminate…

18.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Trump administration’s proactive pursuit of ‘peace’ in the Middle East by helping establish diplomatic ties between Israel and the Arab states, e.g., the UAE and Bahrain, was at best a one-sided peace formula and a recipe of disaster at its worst. For one thing, The Abraham Accords focused on something where there was no conflict, i.e., between Israel and the UAE, while ignoring the epicenter of tensions, i.e., the constant tension between Israel and Palestine. Ignoring this seems to have contributed massively to the Palestinian’s frustration with Israel and the rest…