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United States Economic Interests Behind Its Sinister Politics

The Middle Eastern coordinator of the United Nations Security Council has declared that the world has reached the brink of a perilous abyss that holds the potential to alter the trajectory of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Recently, the world has seen one of the most inhumane wars in Gaza. According to the United Nations, almost 67 percent of over 14000 people assassinated in Gaza are children and women. Many countries in the world have seen grave protests. However, the United States and its allies – the self-proclaimed human rights champions of the world…

Abbas Hashemite

Temporary Ceasefire in Gaza

Media reported that on the 47th day of the current Palestinian-Israeli war, the parties reached a deal for a four-day pause in fighting. This truce deal is aimed primarily at the exchange of hostages and the supply of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. “We will have to make difficult and important decisions regarding the hostages in the coming days,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on 21 November after visiting the headquarters of the army’s Gaza division…

Alexandr Svaranc

Prison Ship, Gaza 2023: Flipping Reality in the Wake of Zionism Gone Really Bad!

It should baffle the mind as what is going on in Israel and Palestine, especially in terms of media coverage, and how politicians of all hues are applying two standards to human rights and the much overused concept of international law. The not so hidden Israeli End Game is more than just cold blood murder, shoot to kill is carte blanch for Israel to eliminate once and for all any hope of a two-state solution. The Hamas enemy can be applied to anything that moves, or in proximity—collateral damage…

Seth Ferris