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Netanyahu is leading Israel into serious difficulties

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has criticized the policies of current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that “the beginning of the war may be a precursor to Israel being mired in the Gaza quagmire.” In an opinion piece for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Barak called for early elections in Israel “before it’s too late.” The former Israeli prime minister said, “On the battlefield, we see inspiring displays of courage and sacrifice. In Israel, we see despair, a sense that despite the gains of the Israel Defense Forces, Hamas has not been defeated and the return of the hostages is receding.”…

Viktor Mikhin

The divergence of Israeli and US approaches on the settlement of the Palestinian question

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as reported by The Times of Israel, said the IDF will soon enter the fray near the northern border with Lebanon to suppress Hezbollah. In recent weeks, Israel has been rushing significant forces and military equipment to the border with Lebanon as pro-Iranian Hezbollah supports Hamas militarily. Last December, it became known that the Israel Defence Forces General Staff was preparing a plan to invade southern Lebanon. In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the withdrawal of the army from the Gaza Strip and ruled out…

Alexandr Svaranc

Why do SOME US Churches Pray for Peace and Vote for War?

It is rather ironic but true. There are those that believe the only way America can be safe is by flexing its military muscle all the time. I can’t believe that’s true. But how do you prove it? One thing is clear, the US maintains lots of military bases so to maintain the “Peace”. But why is there so much emphasis on war, and involvinga country that claims to be a democracy in so many faraway foreign entanglements? One thing we are learning from Ukraine, Palestine, and the recent attack on Yemen – is that many in the West, the so-called Christian World, are closing ranks, politically…

Seth Ferris