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The US Faces a Divided Middle East on its Iran Policy

Tensions have been rising between the US and Iran after the former introduced ‘toughest sanctions’ on Iran a few months ago to cripple the latter’s economy. In past few weeks, tensions have increased in the wake of some incidents in…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Oman – Not Like the Rest of the Gulf

Everyone who visits this once ‘hermit Sultanate’ could easily testify: Oman is ‘different’ from the other countries of the Gulf Region. Its people are warm, talkative and proud. Despite the fact that Oman is poorer than Bahrain or Saudi Arabia, it actually feels richer, because there is...

Andre Vltchek

USA – Iran: Battle between David and Goliath

As Donald Trump's current administration continues to impose tougher illegitimate sanctions against Iran, it has now moved to the next step of attempting to completely isolate Tehran's economy and to erode its standing in the Middle East. The decision to prevent five of Iran's...

Viktor Mikhin