Archives Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Page 2 of 2 - New Eastern Outlook
03.07.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
Riyadh is steadily drifting away from Washington

In the areas of fuel and energy, Saudi Arabia follows a path independent from the United States. Recent anti-Russian sanctions and their secondary and tertiary consequences on the “daredevils” who continue to trade with Russia have caused the world economy to experience extreme instability. In the current environment, few players have been able to adapt to the dramatically changing new reality, but some can definitely be taken as an example. We are talking about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has shown itself to be unusually agile and flexible on the international stage. At the June 2023 OPEC+ meeting, Riyadh announced a production cut…

29.06.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

There is no doubt that today’s world is very different from what it was less than a decade ago, with the military conflict in Ukraine turning out to be a shock that has not only triggered changes in global geopolitics but also in geoeconomics most evident in the form of the way the global oil market is working and how the dynamics of this market have caused old geopolitical alignments to shift. The shift is also an opportunity for many smaller powers to change their tactics and use the scenario for maximum geopolitical gains, including enhancing their global profile from being junior players to becoming major players. One country that seems to perfectly fit…

19.06.2023 Phil Butler

How straightforward is simple math? If the public relied more on adding things up, the manufactured consent perpetrated by the elites in the West would be impossible. Take the recent Russian gold movements as a perfect example. Various propaganda channels reported last year that the European Union and G7 wanted to ban Russia’s gold shipments to curtail the Russian economy. However, the math needed to be corrected. The real reason Western oligarchs and bankers want to limit the precious metal leaving Russia has much more significant implications. Look at the thousand gold shipments since the conflict…

01.05.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
The United States is determined to impose its foreign policy doctrine on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The US system of checks and balances began to disintegrate after the military situation in Ukraine erupted in February 2022. This is particularly noticeable in the energy sector. Therefore, while one-off agreements involving Qatar have partially replaced Russia’s portion of the LNG needed by Europe, the situation with Saudi Arabia remains unclear. During his visit to Saudi Arabia in the summer of 2022, US President Joe Biden was unable to persuade the Saudis to boost oil production within the framework of OPEC+, resulting in the extension of the Russian-Saudi quotas until May 2023. Simultaneously, in March…

13.04.2023 Viktor Mikhin
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, who is effectively the kingdom’s leader due to his father the king’s late age, has pursued a strong foreign policy, both regionally and globally. China arranged an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, easing long-standing tensions between…