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The future of Arab-American relations in light of the Gaza massacre

Few know how Israel’s horrific and murderous assault in Gaza, which has lasted nearly two months, will conclude or how many ordinary Palestinians will die. However, the Middle East and the rest of the globe will come to understand a new reality when the guns finally stop firing and the carpet bombing stops. The human cost already incurred—more than 11,000 dead, over half of whom were women and children—and the more than 25,000 wounded—will be far greater than any outcome regarding Hamas…

Viktor Mikhin

The Gaza massacre and Muslim opinion at the Saudi Summit

A robust conclusion emerged from the unprecedented Arab-Islamic summit held in the capital of Saudi Arabia, but no real steps were taken to counter Israel and its Western backers, particularly the US. Leaders of the Muslim world eventually convened in Riyadh for a conference on the Palestinian issue, following over a month and a half of ceaseless bombing that claimed thousands of civilian lives. Top leaders from major Muslim nations, including Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saudi…

Viktor Mikhin

"Hezbollah" maintains the threat of entering the Arab-Israeli conflict

The pro-Iranian Shi’ite military organisation and political party Hezbollah (“Party of Allah”) is known to advocate the establishment of an Islamic state in Lebanon along the lines of Iran. Initially, this structure supported the just struggle of the Palestinians against Israel, for which it was recognized by Tel Aviv as a terrorist organisation. With the beginning of the anti-Israeli military conflict of Hamas on 7 October this year, “Hezbollah declared its readiness to support the Arabs the very next day, and to enter the war if the IDF launched a ground operation against the Gaza Strip…

Alexandr Svaranc