Archives Iraq - New Eastern Outlook
20.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The internal political crisis in Iraq is the result of its occupation in 2003 by the United States and Great Britain. Washington is first reducing and then increasing (and vice versa) its military presence in Iraq, which is divided into three contradicting parts: Sunnis, Shi’as and Kurds. Heads of diplomatic missions are changing in Baghdad, but the essence of US diplomacy is not changing.

11.06.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

On May, 31 the UNSC extended the mandate of the Iraq Assistance Mission (UNAMI) for a final 19 months before its complete termination in December 2025. Having adopted S/RES/2732 (2024), the UNSC requested the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, jointly with Baghdad to decide on a transition plan to transfer the tasks and responsibilities of the mission to the Iraqi government. The liquidation of the…

05.05.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

On his return from Iraq, on the eve of the 109th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, Turkish President Recep Erdoğan announced the establishment of a “new order” in Transcaucasia. The essence of his thesis seems to be addressed to Armenia, which, as Nöbetci Gazete notes, is being advised by the Turkish leader to discard unfounded memories and act on the basis of the realities of the present…

10.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Most politicians and experts would agree that over the past 15-20 years relations between Turkey and Iraq, even leaving aside the historic Mosul issue, have had their ups and downs, mainly as a result of three different problems. The first of these is Turkey’s military presence in Iraqi Kurdistan, the second is the sharing of water resources in trans-boundary rivers, and finally there is the issue of Kurdish…

02.04.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

Turkey is planning a massive ground operation in Northern Iraq with the aim of liquidating the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) in Iraq, which it designates as a terrorist organisation. According to Hürriyet, a publication with close ties to the Turkish government, the operation is scheduled for this summer and will be supported by the intelligence services in Baghdad and Erbil, which will also take measures against PKK activity in Sulaymaniye and Sinjar. The operation aims to close off the Turkish-Iraqi border completely…

01.03.2024 Taut Bataut

The United States emerged as the sole superpower of the world after the end of the Cold War. Contrary to its promise of an inclusive and peaceful world order, the US emerged as the key source of wars, conflicts, and instability around the world in this unipolar world. The United States’ unilateral decisions to wage wars on different countries, especially Iraq, and its involvement in spurring chaos in the Middle East deteriorated its image around the globe…

26.02.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Major General Yahya Rasul, spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, condemned recent US strikes on Iraqi army and anti-terrorist group bases and facilities as “unacceptable” and a “blatant” violation of the country’s sovereignty. These military bases and facilities belong to the Iraqi armed forces and Iraqi anti-terrorist resistance groups from the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Units (Al-Hashd al-Shaabi) and Kata’ib Hezbollah. “In a clear effort to harm security and stability in Iraq, the United States has resumed its airstrikes against Iraqi military units of the army and popular…

20.02.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

On February 7, 2024, the US assassinated a top commander of Iraq’s Paramilitary Organization, Kataeb Hezbollah (here). This attack, like others conducted by the US, was calculated to cause terror, as it was random and, in the capital, where any person can be. Such attacks also attract thousands of outraged and scared onlookers, which greatly pleases Washington and London. However, Washington should have known that none of these terror attacks have ever scared all Iraqis enough to acquiesce to the US or Anglo-Saxons’ long-term colonization of Iraq…

09.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The ongoing military conflict between Hamas and Israel threatens to escalate regional tensions. It could trigger a more global catastrophe. It is widely acknowledged that the current war zone extends beyond the Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken a hardline stance on the conflict with Hamas, advocating for their total destruction and the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza. This position has drawn in other forces to the conflict. Militant anti-Israel and anti-Western activity by pro-Iranian groups is observed in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq…

30.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The Middle East traditionally remains a region of high tension and no less high gravity of interests of the key countries of the world community. Naturally, this is due to the numerous contradictions of interests of intra- and extra-regional forces, the strategic position of the Middle East at the junction of Asia and Europe, as well as its rich resources (primarily oil and gas). The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas has divided the world according to preferences towards the parties to the conflict, or rather attitudes towards the traditional values of justice versus the right of force…

29.01.2024 Brian Berletic

Rumors and announcements have swirled recently regarding the presence of US troops in Syria and Iraq, and the prospect of at least a drawdown of troops taking place in one or both locations. This follows escalating violence between local militias and US forces, who have traded missiles and airstrikes amid the ongoing Israeli invasion of Gaza and a resulting decline in regional security…

28.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Military and political tensions in the Middle East around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are gaining new momentum with a bias towards the expansion and internationalisation of the conflict – from local to regional. On the one hand, pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq are creating a belt of high tension for Israel and the targets (military, diplomatic and commercial) of its Western allies. On the other hand, the military forces and intelligence services of the Israeli-Western…