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Turkey-Iran: new relations are possible

While Turkey and Iran seem to be pursuing much of the same goals and objectives with regard to the Gaza war, they are actually pursuing them in different ways. The Gaza war has shaken the fragile regional order in the Middle East, where regional powers Turkey and Iran have historically always competed for their influence over the rest of the states. Relations between Ankara and Tehran have a complicated history of ups and downs, and the two states have often been on opposite sides of the barricades in regional conflicts such as in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Caucasus. But the war in Gaza has changed…

Viktor Mikhin

Middle East triumph of the Russian President Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin’s visit to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, his negotiations in Moscow with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the Crown Prince of the Sultanate of Oman, Theyazin bin Haitham Al Said, have shown the integrity and viability of the idea proposed by the Russian president to create a multipolar world instead of the decrepit and incapable of anything unipolar world built by the selfish and self-loving West to suit itself. The visit undoubtedly emphasizes the ever-changing situation in world geopolitics, which allows Vladimir Putin to demonstrate a sense of …

Viktor Mikhin

Complementarity in a multipolar world

No matter how nostalgic for the unipolar era the forces represented by Western regimes try to divide the supporters and promoters of the modern multipolar world order, everything indicates that these Western initiatives have failed. These tendencies are clearly visible in different regions of the world. Over the past few years, one of the main goals of the Western establishment has been to introduce, if not discord, then at least dividing lines between the main forces supporting a multipolar world, primarily Russia and China, as well as all those countries of the Global South that are also…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov