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Henry Kissinger: A Legacy of War Crimes and Atrocities

Millions of dead bodies, wars, carpet bombings, and manipulation is what Henry Kissinger, initially named Heinz Alfred Kissinger, leaves behind as his legacy after his death at 100 years of age. Today, Henry Kissinger is known as one of the most callous personalities in the history. The tale of his war crimes spans different continents, including the South America, South Asia, Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia. He will be regarded as a perpetrator against democracy and human rights due to his war crimes. In 1938, the family of Henry Kissinger fled Germany due to Nazi …

Abbas Hashemite

Iran: the US Scribbler’s Failed Article

The American Spectator published an article aimed at portraying Iran’s diplomatic relations and nuclear activities as a threat to the United States. Author Jed Babbin claims, albeit unfounded, that a cooperative China-Russia-Iran relationship is an “Axis of Evil”, which, according to him, threatens US global interests. However, every sovereign country in the world has the right to pursue its own national interests, which naturally may run counter to the imperial greedy Western and US ambitions.

Viktor Mikhin

How BRICS is Reinventing Itself Amidst Chaos

Israel’s war on Gaza has shaken global politics – not only because of its sheer brutality, but also because this war has reified geopolitical alignments further along the pro and anti-Israel – which also translates directly into pro or anti-US – standings. These geopolitical alignments have created a possibility of realignments, including reforming existing blocs. The extraordinary BRICS summit held in the 3rd week of November points to this possibility very clearly. At one level, the proceedings of the summit revealed the pro or anti-US/Israel positions – especially of India – within the bloc, and, at another level, the summit revealed…

Salman Rafi Sheikh