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Archives International politics - Page 36 of 74 - New Eastern Outlook

Intensifying Japan's security co-operation with Asia-Pacific countries

Japan is currently facing a number of serious political and economic challenges, forcing the country’s political-military leadership to respond accordingly. On January 30, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida presented an extensive policy report on the Japanese government’s plans for 2024 at the regular session of the country’s parliament, which meets once a year.  In the foreign policy section, Fumio Kishida outlined the following trunk lines…

Nazar Kurbanov

Washington’s True Fear of China: An Obstacle to American Hegemony

A recent op-ed appearing in Foreign Affairs titled, “The Taiwan Catastrophe,” helps paint a clear picture of US motivations behind its growing confrontation with China and the increasingly unrealistic nature of Washington’s desired outcome. The premise of the op-ed is built on a now declassified top-secret memo by US General Douglas MacArthur in 1950 describing Taiwan as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier,” essential not to protect the continental United States, but to preserve US primacy over Asia-Pacific thousands of miles from US shores…

Brian Berletic

BRICS: the perfect pole to counter unbridled bipolarism

After the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the winds of the variable geometry of Western democracy swept across the world, giving rise to new concepts on the world stage. It was the globalisation of ideas and the globalisation of cultures. The liberation struggle and decolonisation of African countries was a major turning point in the history of international relations, leading to the creation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), whose main objective was to help African…

Mohamed Lamine KABA