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“Decuple”, “De-risk”, or “Strengthen”? Big Cracks in the West’s China Policy

For Washington, what it needs for its China policy to work is a unified stance, both domestically and internationally. For the past few years, Washington has been trying to achieve this very objective, but it continues to prove more and more difficult than it might have initially believed. In Europe, there is a clear sense that the continent’s interests will not be best served if it pisses China off. This thinking has led many in Europe to say “no” to the US policy of “decoupling” from China. But what about the US itself?…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

A triumph of materialistic interest: the Mongolian prime minister visits the United States

Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun- Erdene visited the United States on the invitation of US Vice President Kamala Harris from August 2–6, 2023. The Mongolian Prime Minister met with numerous members of the American political establishment during his tour, in addition to the leaders of numerous significant businesses and technology giants. In particular, aside from the Vice President of the United States Oyun-Erdene met with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Defense, NASA leadership, and officials from firms…

Boris Kushhov

The Mosaic nature of Sino-European relations remains complex

The use of the word “mosaic” in the comprehensive description of Sino-European interactions precludes an illustrative and simplistic (“explained via hand gestures”) interpretation. The phrase “remains complex” indicates that there is no current effort toward “simplification” of this statement. All of the aforementioned factors, which frequently contradict one another, remain in Europeans’ dealings with the Second World Power. These factors were validated in a number of subsequent events, which it makes…

Vladimir Terehov